General Interests

Scam Alert: HRFE are aware of a number of posts on this Facebook page where individuals were purporting to sell HRFE branded merchandise

Via HRFE Scam Alert: HRFE are aware of a number of posts on this Facebook page where individuals were purporting to sell HRFE branded merchandise, with a link to a third party website. We are not selling HRFE merchandise, and we will not sell HRFE merchandise via a third party website, nor will we ask...

Happy Groundhog Day!

**** Info via Hope for Wildlife Happy Groundhog Day! Regardless of whatever any of Twisty’s groundhog cousins prediction’s on spring’s arrival are, he is determined to be optimistic that it will definitely come early! Twisty is one of our education animals, and while he stays with us permanently because of his injuries, one of his...

RCMP Nova Scotia statement on Tyre Nichols

**** RCMP Media Release RCMP Nova Scotia statement on Tyre Nichols The circumstances surrounding Mr. Tyre Nichols’ murder on January 10, 2023, are horrific and highly disturbing. My thoughts are foremost with Mr. Nichols’ parents, family and community as they mourn the loss of this young man. On behalf of all Nova Scotia RCMP employees...

WestJet announces temporary transatlantic route suspensions from Halifax

**** Info via WestJet WestJet announces temporary transatlantic route suspensions from Halifax WestJet today is announcing that it has temporarily suspended transatlantic service between Halifax and Europe as part of its 2023 summer schedule. Today’s announcement comes as a result of the airline’s strategic decision to suspend transatlantic flying from select Canadian cities as it...

Applications Open for Expanded Heating Assistance Rebate Program

**** Service Nova Scotia Release Applications Open for Expanded Heating Assistance Rebate Program ——————————————————- The newly expanded Heating Assistance Rebate Program (HARP) is now accepting applications to help more Nova Scotians than ever with rising home heating costs. On December 14, Premier Tim Houston announced a $100-million funding increase to the program to allow more...

Halifax Regional Police Chief Dan Kinsella issued the following statement regarding the beating death of Tyre Nichols in Memphis

**** HRP Media Release Halifax Regional Police statement on Tyre Nichols ​ Halifax Regional Police Chief Dan Kinsella issued the following statement regarding the beating death of Tyre Nichols in Memphis:​ “The details and video of the brutal beating of Tyre Nichols​ of Memphis and his subsequent death are deeply disturbing. On behalf of Halifax...

How to avoid sharing too much information online

**** Via Get Cyber Safe How to avoid sharing too much information online You probably know that you should be careful sharing personal details about yourself, like your home address or phone number online. What you might not know is that sometimes seemingly innocent information, like the name of your first pet, can be used...

Blue Economy Regulatory Review

**** Via DFO The health of our oceans is essential for healthy communities. Ghost gear (abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear) threatens the future of that healthy foundation, which is why we’re committed to taking action against it. To ensure Canadian fisheries continue to thrive, the Blue Economy Regulatory Review will explore ways to...

Province Announces New Chair of Housing Task Force

**** CNS Media Release Province Announces New Chair of Housing Task Force ——————————————————- Fred Crooks has been named the new Chair of the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) Housing Task Force. The Chief Regulatory Officer with the Office of Regulatory Affairs and Service Effectiveness replaces Geoff MacLellan, who announced in November he would be stepping down...

The Countdown is On! Set To Open This Spring, Zellers Unveils The First 25 Locations For Its Store Experience inside Hudson’s Bay Stores

**** HBC Release The Countdown is On! Set To Open This Spring, Zellers Unveils The First 25 Locations For Its Store Experience inside Hudson’s Bay Stores 2023 has arrived, and with it, Zellers on the horizon. The beloved Canadian brand is thrilled to announce the planned locations for its first 25 Zellers store experiences within...