General Interests

Saint Barbara’s Day Gunnery Activities at Canadian Forces Base Halifax

**** DND Media Release Saint Barbara’s Day Gunnery Activities at Canadian Forces Base Halifax   Residents of the Halifax Regional Municipality are to be advised that Saint Barbara’s Day gunnery activities will occur on Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax property on Friday, December 2 and Saturday, December 3 that may be audible or visible to...

Via Halifax SAR – We are recruiting for field responders (searchers) again!

Via Halifax volunteer Search and Rescue We are recruiting for field responders (searchers) again! If you are interested in joining the team, please watch this video to learn more about the team and being a volunteer:

Hagfish are quite the contortionists– they’re the only animal on earth (that we know of!) that can tie themselves in a knot!

**** DFO Media Release Hagfish are quite the contortionists– they’re the only animal on earth (that we know of!) that can tie themselves in a knot! Learn more about these talented deep sea creatures: Atlantic Hagfish Photo credit: DFO, C. Nozères. Latin Name Myxine glutinosa Group Name Pelagics Taxonomy details Habitat Atlantic hagfish are found...

Police remind citizens to be cautious of holiday scams

**** HRP Media Release Police remind citizens to be cautious of holiday scams Halifax Regional Police is reminding citizens to be cautious of new and reoccurring scams as the holiday season gets underway.​ Police have recently received several reports in relation to a scam intended to defraud people of their money. In each incident, a...

Potential Search and Rescue K9 Xave recently had the opportunity to train with Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency’s Heavy Urban Search and Rescueand Halifax Regional Police

Via Halifax SAR Potential Search and Rescue K9 Xave recently had the opportunity to train with Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency’s Heavy Urban Search and Rescue (#HUSAR) K9 Vaz and Halifax Regional Police K9’s Recon and Kron on marine deployments using the Canadian Coast Guard Fast Rescue Craft (FRC) in Sambro. With over 400km of...

This Dumbo octopus was found during deep-sea exploration in the Scotian Shelf off Nova Scotia

**** Via Fisheries and Oceans What a cutie!  This Dumbo octopus was found during deep-sea exploration in the Scotian Shelf off Nova Scotia. It’s named for its swimming habit of flapping its ear-like fins to propel itself off the seafloor. Octopus Latin Name Bathypolypus arcticus Group Name Invertebrates Habitat In Canada, octopuses are found in...

Due to the planned closure of Metro Animal Emergency Clinic today and tomorrow from 8-6, we are open and accepting sick patients by appointment

Via Russell Lake Animal Hospital Happy Friday! Due to the planned closure of Metro Animal Emergency Clinic today and tomorrow from 8-6, we are open and accepting sick patients by appointment. If your pet is unwell and needs medical attention, please call us at 902-407-4570. Have a great weekend!...

Water Service Advisory – Downtown Halifax – Potential for Discoloured Water

**** Halifax Water Release ​ Water Service Advisory – Downtown Halifax – Potential for Discoloured Water ​ From 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Thursday, November 24, Halifax Water crews will be undertaking water valve maintenance. Customers in Downtown Halifax may experience discoloured water during/following this repair. It is recommended that those customers run the COLD water...

Holiday shopping safety tips via HRP 

***’ HRP Media Release Holiday shopping safety tips via HRP  Holiday shopping season is in full swing. Whether you’re going to stores or shopping online, Halifax Regional Police have a few simple tips for you to consider to keep the bah-humbug away from your holiday purchases. Online shopping It is best to shop from your...

Night helicopter fire training to be conducted at Naval Fleet School Atlantic’s Damage Control Division off John Brackett Drive, Herring Cove

**** DND Media Release   Night helicopter fire training to be conducted at Naval Fleet School Atlantic’s Damage Control Division off John Brackett Drive, Herring Cove   Residents of the Halifax Regional Municipality are to be advised that there will be nighttime helicopter firefighter training conducted at Naval Fleet School Atlantic’s Damage Control Division in...