Health and Wellness

Hope for Wildlife – It’s time to make your yard wildlife friendly!

**** Via Hope for Wildlife It’s time to make your yard wildlife friendly! With spring rapidly approaching, the small birds that populate our skies will be looking for a nice, safe spot to build a nest and raise their young. Songbirds like robins, sparrows, finches, and swallows commonly nest in trees and shrubs, but sometimes...

In photos – The Final countdown!  Second last dip of the season splashes down!

In photos – The Final countdown!  Second last dip of the season splashes down! The Darkside Dippers took on the chilly temperatures as they hit Lake Banook as part of their weekly dips! The brave took on the cold today, some new and some veterans, as part of a growing trend said to promote health...

In photos – The Darkside Dippers took an undark dip today as they took on the chilly water of the Dingle in Halifax!

In photos – The Darkside Dippers took an undark dip today as they took on the chilly water of the Dingle in Halifax! Teaming up with Coldplay NS, the dipping duo had a great time splashing into the zone! With the mobile spa (provided by Nordic Sauna Rentals) and music, the mood was set for...

Darkside Dippers – HALIFAX! It’s only right we come visit our beloved neighbours

**** Via Darkside Dippers HALIFAX! It’s only right we come visit our beloved neighbours We’re crossing the bridge and hosting a Community Polar Dip with @coldplayns this weekend WHEN ⏰: this Saturday @ 11am WHERE📍: Sir Fleming Sandford Park (The Dingle) 👉If you’ve been wanting to join us this winter but couldn’t make the trek...

Avian influenza, also known as “bird flu,” has been detected in Nova Scotia. There are steps you can take to limit the spread between birds and protect yourself

**** NS Gov Release Avian influenza Avian influenza, also known as “bird flu,” has been detected in Nova Scotia. There are steps you can take to limit the spread between birds and protect yourself. About avian influenza Highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) is a viral infection that spreads easily between birds. The infection can cause...

New security measures for Dartmouth General Hospital emergency department

**** NSHA Media Release New security measures for Dartmouth General Hospital emergency department New security measures are coming to Dartmouth General Hospital’s emergency department (ED) to keep patients, families, and care providers safer. Beginning this week, anyone entering the hospital’s emergency department will be searched with hand-held metal-detecting wands and can expect to have their...

As the temperatures begin to warm up, a friendly reminder to be wary of other warm weather fans too- Tick safety

As the temperatures begin to warm up, a friendly reminder to be wary of other warm weather fans too- Tick safety **** NS Government Release Tick safety Ticks like moist and humid environments and can be found in or near woods, shrubs, leaf litter, long grass, urban parks and gardens. They are very small, which...

In photos – Shamrock wow! The Darkside Dippers take on the chilly temperatures as they hit Lake Banook as part of their weekly dips! (and fundraiser!)

In photos – Shamrock wow! The Darkside Dippers take on the chilly temperatures as they hit Lake Banook as part of their weekly dips! (and fundraiser!) The brave took on the cold today, some new and some veterans, as part of a growing trend said to promote health, such as arthritis relief, mental health and...

Thin ice in the HRM

With warmer weather comes sketchy ice. Many lakes in the HRM are showing signs that its time to stay off them. Please keep first responders in station and avoid the ice. –...

March is National Pet Poison Prevention Month

**** NS SPCA Release March is National Pet Poison Prevention Month What better time than now to learn how to protect your pet from accidental poisoning? Keep an eye out for these pet hazards in your home or yard: ❌ Cleaning products ❌ Medications ❌ Toxic plants, Pesticides & fertilizers Consider Nova Scotia SPCA Pet...