The Grinch: Op Fill a Wagon : We are doing our Christmas give away once again for the 7th year in a row!!
**** Via The Grinch: Op Fill a Wagon Its that time of year again!! ???????? The last little while has been challenging for most to say the least but thats where we come in to help! We are doing our Christmas give away once again for the 7th year in a row!! This year our...
For the night sky enthusiasts, the Geminid meteor shower will peak on the night of December 13 to 14
**** Info via Environment Canada Geminid Meteor Shower For the night sky enthusiasts, the Geminid meteor shower will peak on the night of December 13 to 14. The Geminid has been visible this year since November 10 and will last until December 24. At its peak, we can usually start sighting Geminid meteors as early as...
The Nova Scotia RCMP is under new leadership with the recent arrival of Assistant Commissioner Dennis Daley to the province
**** RCMP Media Release Nova Scotia RCMP welcomes new commanding officer The Nova Scotia RCMP is under new leadership with the recent arrival of Assistant Commissioner Dennis Daley to the province. In his 34-year career with the RCMP, Assistant Commissioner Daley has served in various capacities, including 29 years of combined service in the Maritimes...
BBB Scam Alert: Don’t fall for this online seller trick when buying handmade gifts
**** BBB Release BBB Scam Alert: Don’t fall for this online seller trick when buying handmade gifts When the holiday season rolls around, many shoppers turn to online seller platforms to find unique, handmade gifts for their friends and family. Scammers have taken note, and according to recent BBB Scam Tracker reports, they’re targeting shoppers with a...
Averaging at 1.7 metres, the harbour porpoise is one of the smallest whales in Canada and is even smaller than the average human!
**** DFO Media Release Averaging at 1.7 metres, the harbour porpoise is one of the smallest whales in Canada and is even smaller than the average human! They can sometimes be spotted around coastal bays and harbours. Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena), Northwest Atlantic population Species summary COSEWIC scientific name Phocoena phocoena Taxonomic group Mammals (marine) Range New...
HRFE currently recruiting volunteer firefighters in eastern HRM
Via HRFE Interested in volunteering? HRFE currently recruiting volunteer firefighters in eastern HRM. If you live in the communities of: Lawrencetown, Lake Echo, North Preston, Chezzetcook, Musquodoboit Harbour, Oyster Pond, Sheet Harbour, Moser River, Tangier, Three Harbours, or Mushaboom come join our team of volunteers. Visit or email for more information...
**** Royal Canadian Mint Release HONOURING QUEEN ELIZABETH II For 70 years, Queen Elizabeth II dutifully and gracefully served as Canada’s head of state. And, until her passing on September 8, 2022, she was the only sovereign many Canadians had ever known. A solemn tribute This $2 circulation coin is a solemn tribute to Queen Elizabeth...
Looking for packing tips before flying? Breeze through security with CATSA advice and useful tips
**** CATSA Release Carry-on or Checked? Carry-on baggage is screened by passing your baggage through the X-ray equipment at the screening checkpoint. If your item is too big to go through the X-ray, it must be checked. Similarly, if an item is not permitted past the checkpoint, you may have the option to place it...
BBB Scam Alert: Lost pet? Watch out for this scam
**** BBB Release BBB Scam Alert: Lost pet? Watch out for this scam Posting on social media is a great way to alert a wide range of people about a lost pet. Unfortunately, that same publicity can put you at risk for scams. Con artists comb social posts to find targets who have lost their beloved pets. How...
Hurricane Fiona Spoiled Food Program Closing
**** CNS Media Release Hurricane Fiona Spoiled Food Program Closing ——————————————————— More than 117,000 Nova Scotians have benefited so far from the Fiona Food Cost Reimbursement Program, and there are still two weeks left for others to apply. The program provides $100 for every household that lost power for at least 48 hours in the...