General Interests

Fraudsters target seniors by calling and pretending to be family members in distress

Via RCMP Fraudsters target seniors by calling and pretending to be family members in distress. With the aim of preventing this scam, the Ontario Provincial Police designed the following tip sheet.   Print it and give it to someone you know; you might just save them from losing their life savings...

Congratulations to Alexander Ferguson, who designed the winning logo for Halifax Search and Rescue!

Via Halifax Search and Rescue Congratulations to Alexander Ferguson, who designed the winning logo for Halifax Search and Rescue! Alexander is an active presenter of AdventureSmart and has already taught about 800 kids so far! He also spends his time helping his dad with mock searches and training exercises in New Brunswick. Thanks to Decathlon...

A mid-meal nap!

**** Via Hope for Wildlife A mid-meal nap! Sometimes you just have to have a time out between helpings. Twisty, our resident groundhog never fails to make us laugh. Groundhogs are known by a lot of different names: woodchucks, whistle pigs, and land beaver are a few of them. They are actually large rodents –...

March is fraud prevention month

Via HRP March is fraud prevention month Learn how to protect yourself. Fraudsters will use any opportunity to take your money or your identity. If you receive strange calls, hang up; if you receive odd texts or emails, hit delete. For tips, visit:  ...

Applications open for Neighbourhood Seed Kit Initiative

**** HRM Media Release Applications open for Neighbourhood Seed Kit Initiative The Halifax Regional Municipality has opened applications for Neighbourhood Seed Kits. Neighbourhood Seed Kits encourage residents to build relationships with their neighbours through vegetable gardening. Residents can apply to receive a free community seed kit to share with their whole neighbourhood. Each kit contains...

Say hello to some young orphaned pigeons that have been affectionately dubbed “The Squab”

**** Info via Hope for Wildlife Say hello to some young orphaned pigeons in our care that have been affectionately dubbed “The Squab” People may not realize that some species of animals breed more often than just once a year, and some can even have young in the winter. Rock doves, also known as the...

Nova Scotians who have experience with the court system can give input on ways to modernize the courts using technology and digitization

**** Justice Media Release Feedback Sought from Justice System Users ———————————————— Nova Scotians who have experience with the court system can give input on ways to modernize the courts using technology and digitization. A new website and public survey launched today, February 27, will help the Digital Task Force consider next steps by identifying what...

Human Trafficking Awareness Day

**** HRP Media Release Human Trafficking Awareness Day ​ February 22 is Human Trafficking Awareness Day, and the integrated Human Trafficking Team is sharing information on what you can do to stop human trafficking in our community.​ Human trafficking is a criminal offence that involves controlling, forcing, intimidating, or deceiving a person of any age...

CORCAN is a special operating agency that provides a key rehabilitation program within the Correctional Service of Canada

**** CSC Release CSC can confirm that a RCMP modular was delivered to Musquodoboit. In recent years, CORCAN has partnered with the RCMP to supply them with modular buildings throughout the Maritimes. CORCAN is a special operating agency that provides a key rehabilitation program within the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC). They provide job training...

Security exercise to be conducted at Canadian Forces Base Halifax

**** DND Media Release Security exercise to be conducted at Canadian Forces Base Halifax ​ Residents of the Halifax Regional Municipality are to be advised that there will be a security response exercise conducted at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Halifax Stadacona and His Majesty’s Canadian (HMC) Dockyard at an unspecified time during the week of...