General Interests

Addressing anti-Asian racism

**** Heritage Release Addressing anti-Asian racism For too many Asian communities in Canada, anti-Asian racism is a daily lived reality. Now, more than ever, and not just during Asian Heritage Month, we need to raise awareness of the challenges faced by these communities across Canada and to confront and denounce all forms of anti-Asian racism...

Big visitor to the harbor

Docked in Woodside sits a massive crane ship.  The Orion crane ship is in Halifax and can be seen from quite a distance. The ship is believed to be en route for a tasking in the US.  ...

A fire started in the back recreation room kitchen

Via MLA Brendan Maguire “Spryfield Rink update: A fire started in the back recreation room kitchen. I spoke to firefighters on sight, there is significant damage to the backroom. They do no have a full assessment of the damage, they will let me know when they do. The wrestling event scheduled for tomorrow night has...

Police advise citizens of recurring scam targeting seniors

**** HRP Media Release Police advise citizens of recurring scam targeting seniors   Police are advising citizens to be cautious of a scam targeting seniors that is continuing to occur throughout our region. Halifax Regional Police and Halifax District RCMP have received a number of reports this week in relation to a scam intended to...

It looks like the lot of the former Salvation Army in the 100 block of Pleasant St is being cleared

It looks like the lot of the former Salvation Army in the 100 block of Pleasant St is being cleared. A Facebook post suggests that a new apartment complex will be going up in the lot (not verified by us yet)...

Things are going to look a bit different in downtown Dartmouth this fall

Things are going to look a bit different in downtown Dartmouth this fall. As far as I can remember, the broker has always been here on Portland St...

HSAR members are currently engaged in a training exercise in Terrence Bay

Via Halifax SAR HSAR members are currently engaged in a training exercise in Terrence Bay. There will be an increase in GSAR volunteers and vehicles in the area during the event...

If you call 911 accidentally, stay on the line & let the operator know

Via HRP If you call 911 accidentally, stay on the line & let the operator know Lock your cell phone carefully to prevent 911 “pocket dials.” Only call 911 if someone’s health, safety, or property is in jeopardy or if a crime is in progress...

Police warn citizens of fraudulent “speed camera” emails

**** New Glasgow Police Release Police warn citizens of fraudulent “speed camera” emails. New Glasgow Regional Police is advising the public of recent fraudulent emails notifying the recipient that they have been fined for speeding with the use of “speed cameras”. There are always new scams that criminals use to try to fraudulently acquire money...

Hopping home in time for the holiday!

Via Hope for Wildlife Hopping home in time for the holiday! A couple of weeks ago, this snowshoe hare was found on the roadside suffering from minor head trauma after being hit by car. Yesterday she was released back home and we just managed to get this photo as she was bounding away. We don’t...