Please help find a missing kitty!
Please help find a missing kitty! Kitty got out during a recent fire on Gottingen St in Halifax. “Her name is Asha. She will respond and she’s very friendly” Email if you have any info and thank you! ...
Weekly green cart collection starting July 3
**** HRM Media Release Weekly green cart collection starting July 3 The Halifax Regional Municipality is advising residents that weekly green cart collection will begin on Monday, July 3. The summer green cart collection service will be in effect for the months of July, August and September. Collection services can begin as early as 7...
Police are aware of social media posts that reference an attempted abduction related to human trafficking
**** HRP Media Release Police aware of concerning social media post Police are aware of social media posts that reference an attempted abduction related to human trafficking that is alleged to have occurred last week at a local shopping mall. At this time, we have not received a report in relation to any such incident...
There’s no doubt that many of the contributions on the Woodside graffiti walls are pretty amazing
There’s no doubt that many of the contributions on the Woodside graffiti walls are pretty amazing, but when a classic 80s action movie makes the wall, you really notice. Several buildings along the trail allow for amazing spray paint art to be added to the buildings. Some art remains intact for long periods of time...
RCMP Name the Foal contest produces 12 names for RCMP new foals
**** RCMP Media Release RCMP Name the Foal contest produces 12 names for our new foals The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is happy to announce the winners and winning names of the 2023 Name the Foal contest, with some entries paying particular attention to the organization’s history as we mark our 150th anniversary. Canadian kids – aged...
HRFE are now accepting applications for career firefighters
Via HRFE HRFE are now accepting applications for career firefighters. The deadline for applications is July 2. Career firefighters serve their communities by protecting and preserving life, property and the environment through appropriate emergency management. Firefighting is a rewarding and challenging career. Firefighters work long hours and often under highly physically demanding work. Careers with...
Police advise public of recurring home repair scam
**** HRP Media Release Police advise public of recurring home repair scam Police are continuing to receive reports of a home repair scam that is occurring in the Halifax region. Over the last two months, police have received a number of reports where a group of men knock on the door of a residence and...
23 new career firefighters graduated from their CRT program today at an event in Dartmouth
23 new career firefighters graduated from their CRT program today at an event in Dartmouth These recruits had an unusual finale to their course when they aided recently with the Tantallon fires. Three grads are also from the Camp Courage Program! Thank you all and stay safe...
Halifax Regional Police are releasing a statement in relation to misinformation released on a local radio station
***” HRP Media Release Halifax Regional Police statement Halifax Regional Police are releasing a statement in relation to misinformation released on a local radio station this morning. This morning, a local radio station repeatedly alleged that an officer had “dumped” a garbage bag on the side of Highway 111 in Dartmouth and drove away. The...
Grants for Recreation Facilities
**** CNS Media Release Grants for Recreation Facilities —————————————————————– A $2-million investment from the Province will help community groups and others make needed upgrades to recreation facilities that will promote healthy communities and support economic growth. Forty-six projects are receiving funding through the Recreational Facility Development Grant program and the Rink Revitalization Fund. These funds...