General Interests

A black bear with cubs spotted near Appian Way in Dartmouth

Via DNR BEAR SIGHTING: A black bear with cubs spotted near Appian Way in Dartmouth. No conflict with humans has been reported but please use caution in the area. Always be aware of your surroundings, keep pets on leashes and avoid attracting bears with food (green bin, garbage, BBQ If you see a black bear…...

HRFE Career Firefighter Recruitment Information Sessions before our recruitment opening

Via HRFE Reminder we are holding Career Firefighter Recruitment Information Sessions before our recruitment opening on June 1. For updates, visit Join us on May 24 at Station 17, 1150 Cole Harbour Rd. Dartmouth from 7 – 9 p.m. Join us on May 25 at Station 9, 1 Metropolitan Ave, Lower Sackville, from 7...

Open letter to the Minister of Education and Labour via Danny Cavanagh (Nova Scotia Federation of Labour) 

Open letter to the Minister of Education and Labour via Danny Cavanagh (Nova Scotia Federation of Labour)  Dear Ministers Nova Scotia must pass anti-scab legislation to protect workers’ rights and prevent employers from hiring replacement workers. The use of scabs has been a growing issue in the province, with the most recent example being the...

Have you lost an antique photo album?

Via RCMP Have you lost an antique photo album? On May 8, 2023, during an ongoing investigation, Pictou County District RCMP recovered an antique photo album from a vehicle. If you believe this photo album may be yours, please contact Pictou County District RCMP at 902-755-4141. You will be asked to provide a description of...

Members of the Provincial Human Trafficking Unit recently participated in Canada’s first annual Summit for Frontline Human Trafficking Investigators

**’* RCMP Media Release Nova Scotia Human Trafficking Unit among Canada’s top human trafficking investigators at national summit Members of the Provincial Human Trafficking Unit recently participated in Canada’s first annual Summit for Frontline Human Trafficking Investigators: “The Maddison Sessions.” The summit, which took place in April, brought together more than 60 of Canada’s top...

Reminder that Victoria Day is not a permitted holiday for fireworks under the noise by-law

Via HRFE This a friendly reminder that Victoria Day is not a permitted holiday for fireworks under the noise by-law In some cases, exemptions are permitted. **** HRM Media Release Noise Exemptions What type of activities generally require an exemption? Concerts, outside dances, festivals, university orientations, and special events. Noise exemptions for construction activities can...

Police are requesting the public’s assistance in finding the owner of a quantity of money found in Bedford

**** HRP Media Release Police seek public’s assistance to return found money Police are requesting the public’s assistance in finding the owner of a quantity of money found in Bedford. On May 15, police responded to a report of money that had been found outside a building in the 1200 block of the Bedford Highway...

Firefighting is a technical job, and as cities get bigger and buildings get taller, firefighters have to know how to tow the line

Firefighting is a technical job, and as cities get bigger and buildings get taller, firefighters have to know how to tow the line Hosted by Dockyard Fire, both they and HRFE members took part in a specialized hands on session held by HighRise Firefighting (out of Toronto) where rapid and efficient deployment of all size...

Opening Weekend for Provincial Parks

**** Natural Resources Release Opening Weekend for Provincial Parks ——————————————————————————————————————— NOTE: A list of opening dates for camping parks follows this release. ——————————————————————————————————————— Several camping and day-use parks will be open in time for the Victoria Day weekend. Nova Scotia’s provincial parks will start opening Friday, May 19, for another season of adventure with gorgeous...

Work begins at Shannon Park

A machine digs inside the fence of the former military housing site Shannon Park. The area is slated for a massive construction overhaul seeing a mix of housing units  ...