More Support for Shoreline, Ocean Cleanup

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**** CNS Media Release

More Support for Shoreline, Ocean Cleanup
Three community organizations are getting provincial support for shoreline and ocean cleanup.

Atlantic Coastal Action Program Cape Breton, Fishing Gear Coalition of Atlantic Canada and Scotian Shores have each been awarded a $10,000 marine debris strategic grant to help keep Nova Scotia’s oceans and shorelines free from debris and also support others to organize cleanups and prevent litter.

“Marine litter has a negative impact on the environment, marine and mammal life and the beauty of our coastal communities,” said Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister Steve Craig. “We all have a role as Nova Scotians in addressing the issue, and this investment will support activities and build capacity for more people to get involved.”

The organizations will develop programs to address marine debris and work in partnership with government agencies and departments to remove litter from the shore. By developing educational materials and holding workshops, the three groups will also help increase public awareness and engagement in coastal communities throughout Nova Scotia.

“This support will enable our team to reach new corners of Cape Breton and remove thousands of kilograms of marine debris. We are looking forward to the opportunity to better support community volunteers in their own shoreline cleanups and are now able to offer an expanded equipment bank for community use, including trash grabbers, bags and protective gear.”
– Kathleen Aikens, Executive Director, Atlantic Coastal Action Program Cape Breton

Quick Facts:
— Nova Scotia has 13,000 kilometres of coastline
— the Department is also working with Efficiency One and the seafood sector to address climate change through energy efficiency programs that help industry reduce emissions
— the Department is planning to engage the seafood processing industry on measures to help prevent litter from reaching shorelines

Additional Resources:
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture website:


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