Police have identified counterfeit U.S. $100 bills circulating in CBRM this week

**** Cape Breton Regional Police Release Please note: we have identified counterfeit U.S. $100 bills circulating in CBRM this week. All of the bills are identical (as pictured) and share a common serial number: FE52339545A. If you see currency with similar characteristics or have information on the source of these counterfeit bills, please contact us […]

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Please do your part. Handle inflammable and smoking material with utmost care. Keep yourself and others safe

**** Via HRP During one of the worst crises facing our community, we are hearing of continuing irresponsible behaviour, including people throwing lit cigarette butts out of vehicles. This can lead to very serious consequences. As first responders continue to battle ongoing fires, please do your part. Handle inflammable and smoking material with utmost care. […]

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Municipal fires and impacts update – May 31, 8:15 p.m.

**** HRM Media Release Municipal fires and impacts update – May 31, 8:15 p.m. The Halifax Regional Municipality is advising residents of the following updates and impacts to municipal services as a result of the ongoing fires. Evacuation area update The evacuation order has been rescinded only for residents of Indigo Shores (see map). Residents […]

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SHELBURNE, N.S. – All Roseway Hospital inpatients have been evacuated and the site is closed due to threat of the encroaching wildfires

**** NSHA Media Release Roseway Hospital inpatients evacuated -Emergency department and other services halted SHELBURNE, N.S. – All Roseway Hospital inpatients have been evacuated and the site is closed due to threat of the encroaching wildfires. Fifteen inpatients are being transferred to South Shore Regional Hospital in Bridgewater and Fishermen’s Memorial Hospital in Lunenburg. Some […]

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Evacuation order rescinded for residents of Indigo Shores only

Alert Evacuation order rescinded Evacuation order rescinded for residents of Indigo Shores only. Residents can re-enter starting at 7:30 pm on 31 May 23. Residents can only enter via Margeson Dr with identification showing address. All residents are reminded that there is still an active fire in the Tantallon area and are placed on a […]

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The forest fire is reported traveling from the Municipality of Barrington in a northeast direction, and has crossed into the Municipality of Shelburne.

Via NS Government The forest fire is reported traveling from the Municipality of Barrington in a northeast direction, and has crossed into the Municipality of Shelburne. Mandatory evacuation for Civic Address 1518 Lake Road through to Jordan Bay. From 674 Sandy Point Road through Lower Sandy Point, Jordan Bay, Jordan Ferry to the Jordan Branch […]

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Municipal fires and impacts update – May 31, 5:45 p.m.

**** HRM Media Release Municipal fires and impacts update – May 31, 5:45 p.m. The Halifax Regional Municipality is advising residents of the following updates and impacts to municipal services as a result of the ongoing fires. Evacuation registry Only residents and businesses whose properties are located in the area of significant impact on the evacuation map must immediately register with […]

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UPDATE: Mobile primary care clinic for those displaced by Tantallon/Hammonds Plains fire

**** NSHA Media Release UPDATE: Mobile primary care clinic for those displaced by Tantallon/Hammonds Plains fire NOTE NEW DATES AND TIME BELOW Nova Scotia Health’s mobile primary care clinic has opened a drop-in clinic for those displaced by the Tantallon/Hammonds Plains fire. Canada Games Comfort Centre 26 Thomas Raddall Dr., Halifax Thursday, June 1 from 9 […]

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To help avoid any new wildfires, the Province is increasing the fine for breaking the provincewide burn ban to $25,000

**** DNR Release Increased Fine for Breaking Burn Ban —————————————————————– To help avoid any new wildfires, the Province is increasing the fine for breaking the provincewide burn ban to $25,000. “We need all Nova Scotians to take the wildfire situation as seriously as we are. We are still finding cases of illegal burning, and it […]

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