General Interests

Grandparent scams continue throughout Halifax Regional Municipality

**** RCMP Media Release Grandparent scams continue throughout Halifax Regional Municipality Halifax District RCMP and Halifax Regional Police continue to warn the public about scams occurring in the Halifax Regional Municipality, instructing victims to provide money. Since mid-December, police have received numerous complaints of frauds, which are sometimes referred to as the ‘grandparent scam’ or...

Info via NSP regarding morning power outages

Info via NSP regarding morning power outages “This morning’s outages were related to an issue with our transmission tie to New Brunswick. We lost connection, causing our system to become unstable. As a result, we had to reduce the electricity consumption of customers, until we were able to stabilize the system.. Once our team was...

Did you know that there are four species of marine sea turtles that live in or visit Canadian waters?

**** DFO Release Did you know that there are four species of marine sea turtles that live in or visit Canadian waters? Sea turtles in Canada Canadian waters are home to several sea turtle species, including: Leatherback Sea Turtle (Atlantic and Pacific populations) Loggerhead Sea Turtle Kemp’s ridley Sea turtle Green Sea turtle Sea turtles live in a...

What a difference a month makes!

Via Hope for Wildlife What a difference a month makes! This Great Horned Owl was found emaciated and dehydrated with a swollen and cloudy eye full of puss. We don’t know what cause the infection, but he was clearly struggling because of it. But look at him now! The eye is much better and continues...

Do you recognize these two beauties?

Via HRM Animal Redemption Centre Do you recognize these two beauties? These two ladies were brought to us on January 4th by a good samaritan who found them in Kearney Lake area, running at large with their leashes attached. Typically owners come within the first few days to redeem their dogs and we were shocked...


This was sent to us to share. Please contact us if found “MISSING GOLD WEDDING BAND Today ( January 11 ,2023) I had day surgery at the cobequid hospital around 12pm . I gave my husband my wedding rings which he placed in his wallet . Later in the afternoon he also went to the...

The Halifax Regional Municipality is launching recruitment efforts for casual Parks & Recreation summer staff positions

**** HRM Media Release Municipality launches Parks & Recreation summer staff recruitment The Halifax Regional Municipality is launching recruitment efforts for casual Parks & Recreation summer staff positions. A diverse range of positions are available in aquatics, inclusion and recreation at municipal facilities across the region. With hourly wages ranging from $16.30 to $19.30, this...

Basking sharks swim with their mouths wide open to catch plankton and crustaceans as they glide through the water

**** DFO Release Basking sharks swim with their mouths wide open to catch plankton and crustaceans as they glide through the water. Basking shark Cetorhinus maximus Description The basking shark is the second largest fish in the world, second only to another filter feeder, the whale shark. It has a conical snout and the gill...

The Red Fox is one of the largest members of the Canidae family, but did you know that it shares a lot of characteristics with felines?

**** Info via Hope for Wildlife Meet the cat-like canid! The Red Fox is one of the largest members of the Canidae family, but did you know that it shares a lot of characteristics with felines? Animals sometimes evolve to fit niches in an environment where they have an advantage in competing for resources. Red...

An RCMP officer’s sled-pulling huskies are helping him forge connections with young people throughout the West Hants area

**** RCMP Media Release An RCMP officer’s sled-pulling huskies are helping him forge connections with young people throughout the West Hants area in central Nova Scotia. Read more about how school-safety resource officer Cst. Richard Collins turned his hobby into a policing tool, in RCMP Gazette magazine. Mountie’s sled dog demos help break the ice...