Say hello to some young orphaned pigeons that have been affectionately dubbed “The Squab”

General Intrests

**** Info via Hope for Wildlife

Say hello to some young orphaned pigeons in our care that have been affectionately dubbed “The Squab”

People may not realize that some species of animals breed more often than just once a year, and some can even have young in the winter. Rock doves, also known as the common pigeon, are capable of breeding in the winter if the climate is warm enough and they find a good spot.

Pigeons are capable of creating warm and safe nests. In populated areas, they can spot things like loose tiles or gaps in buildings and then use them to take shelter from the cold weather outside. By creating a warm and safe environment for their young, known as ‘squabs’, they make the task of raising young in winter significantly easier.

Pigeons are one of very few birds which feed their young crop milk. By producing a nutritious milky substance in their crops which they then regurgitate to feed their young (known as squabs), then can offer everything to help their young to survive a harsh winter.


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