NS SPCA Weekly Highlight – Betsy

In The Spotlight

**** NS SPCA Release

Betsy is such a sweet girl! She came into our care through no fault of her own and finds the shelter life a bit stressful so is looking to find a quiet place to call home. She has some issues with her hind end (typical with this breed), but her mobility is improving with pain medications and she still loves to play with her friend Brutus.
She would benefit from a low calorie diet as she is a bit over weight and this would also help her hind end feel better. She enjoys socializing with her family and enjoys easy going adventures out and about. Betsy only seems fond of the dog she came to us with and so we feel she would be best with no other dogs in the home.​
The ideal home for this 7 year old German Shepherd is one with children 14 years or older and no other dogs. Betsy did live with cats previously and may do well with them in the home. Due to her limited mobility we are looking for a single family home with no stairs or very limited stairs. As well she would not be suitable for apartment living.​

Betsy is available for adoption from the Nova Scotia SPCA Dartmouth shelter. Please use the following link and follow the steps to submit an application and request an appointment:


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