**** HRM Media Release
Changes to intersection of Coburg Road, Vernon and Seymour streets
New pedestrian half-signals and pavement markings have been installed at the intersection of Coburg Road and Vernon and Seymour streets.
The signals aim to improve the safety and convenience of those travelling along the Vernon-Seymour bikeway corridor. The new pedestrian half-signals control traffic movement on Coburg Road only. Traffic on Vernon and Seymour streets will remain controlled by stop signs.
A red light will be triggered for vehicles on Coburg Road if someone if someone walking, rolling or cycling wishes to cross. A RADAR will detect cyclists who are waiting to cross in the new designated area, which will activate the crossing signal. Pedestrians can push a button to enable the “walk” signal to cross Coburg Road.
A new painted crosswalk across the western leg of the intersection will provide an additional signalized crossing that will now accommodate people walking and rolling at both sides of the intersection.
Note: The bicycle detection signal on Seymour Street will be operational in early 2021. The signal on Vernon Street is operational as of today.
Along with the new signals, there will be changes to how vehicles can travel in this area. Vehicles approaching Coburg Road on both Vernon and Seymour streets will now only be able to turn right.
For more information, please go to halifax.ca/vernon.