Health and Wellness

State-of-the-Art MRI Helping IWK Patients and Families

**** HEALTH/WELLNESS/IWK HEALTH CENTRE Media Release State-of-the-Art MRI Helping IWK Patients and Families—————————————————————–A new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner is now in operation at the IWK Health Centre in Halifax.Government invested $6.9 million to purchase the new MRI scanner and complete associated renovations. The new equipment replaces an aging scanner.“Children, youth and families from Nova...

Three more Nova Scotia Health sites launch online appointment booking

**** NSHA  Media Release Three more Nova Scotia Health sites launch online appointment booking Nova Scotia Health is expanding its online appointment booking service. Online appointment booking is now available at the following sites: ​ Buchanan Memorial Health Centre in Neil’s Harbour: blood collection, X-ray, EKG North Cumberland Memorial Hospital in Pugwash: blood collection, X-ray...

Certain Miss Vickie’s brand Kettle Cooked Potato Chips recalled due to possible presence of pieces of glass

**** Recall via Health Canada Certain Miss Vickie’s brand Kettle Cooked Potato Chips recalled due to possible presence of pieces of glass Miss Vickie’s Canada is recalling certain Miss Vickie’s brand Kettle Cooked Potato Chips from the marketplace due to possible presence of pieces of glass. Consumers should not consume and retailers, restaurants, and institutions...

HRFE wishes to remind you to ‘fall back’ tomorrow night before you go to bed.

**** HRFE Media Release Reset your clocks, change your batteries Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE) wishes to remind you to ‘fall back’ tomorrow night before you go to bed. When you turn back your clocks by an hour, you should also change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. Also remember to...

Online booking expands to five more Nova Scotia Health sites

**** NSHA Media Release Online booking expands to five more Nova Scotia Health sites Nova Scotia Health is expanding its online appointment booking service. Online appointment booking is now available at the following sites: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ QEII’s Victoria General (VG) X-Ray ​ ​ ​ ​ Barrington Blood Collection ​ ​ ​ ​...

Cottonelle® & Cottonelle® GentlePlus Flushable Wipes Products recalled due to potential microbial contamination

**** Recall via Health Canada Cottonelle® & Cottonelle® GentlePlus Flushable Wipes Products recalled due to potential microbial contamination Cottonelle® & Cottonelle® GentlePlus Flushable Wipes Common name: Cottonelle® & Cottonelle® GentlePlus Flushable Wipes Product description: This recall involves Cottonelle® & Cottonelle® GentlePlus Flushable Wipes products. The UPC code is located on the bottom of the package. The recalled product can also be identified by entering...

Influenza Vaccine Now Available in Nova Scotia

**** HEALTH/WELLNESS Media Release Influenza Vaccine Now Available in Nova Scotia————————————————————–All Nova Scotians over six months old are encouraged to get a flu shot this year.The seasonal influenza vaccine is now available from most pharmacies, family doctors, family practice nurses, nurse practitioners and clinics.​It can take up to two weeks for the vaccination to provide...

Five more Nova Scotia Health sites offering online booking

**** NSHA Media Release Five more Nova Scotia Health sites offering online booking Nova Scotia Health is expanding its online appointment booking service. Online appointment booking is now available at the following sites: ​ ·​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Cumberland Regional Health Care Centre blood collection ·​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​...

Guidance for Trick-or-Treating and Halloween Gatherings

**** HEALTH/WELLNESS Media Release Guidance for Trick-or-Treating and Halloween Gatherings————————————————————-Government is reminding Nova Scotians of current public health guidelines and providing specific advice around Halloween as the holiday approaches.“Halloween is a fun celebration but I am concerned about parties and behaviours that would see us letting our guard down,” said Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia’s...

Colon Cancer home screening kits back in the mail as program resumes after temporary suspension due to COVID-19

**** NSHA Media Release Colon Cancer home screening kits back in the mail as program resumes after temporary suspension due to COVID-19 Home screening kits for colon cancer are back in the mail after a six-month program suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mail outs were suspended the middle of March when provincial endoscopy services...