Donations are what keeps this fantastic and unique Camp Courage going!   

In The Spotlight

**** Info via Camp Courage

Donations are what keeps this fantastic and unique course going!

Experience Camp Courage

The First Responders Society is an incorporated non-profit company established by firefighter Andréa Speranza, in January 2006, for the purpose of introducing young women aged 15- 19 to careers as first responders; primarily paramedics, police officers, and firefighters.

The ultimate goal is that the young women will leave with a sense of empowerment and the confidence to believe that they can achieve any goal, career or dream they desire.

You have what it takes, join us in 2021 for the experience of your life!

How to Donate

If you would like to make a difference in a young ladies life, your emergency services and your community, please donate now.

If you would like to broaden a young woman’s perspective, increase her confidence and empower her, please donate now.

If you would like to make a young woman aware of her unlimited options as well as her unlimited potential, please donate now.

If you would like to teach a young woman how fun it is to challenge yourself and how powerful it is to overcome her obstacles, please donate now.

If you would like to help develop a larger support network of strong independent role models for young women, please donate now.

If you would like to help develop our future leaders, please donate now.

If you would like to help create a workforce that more accurately represents the community we live in, please donate now.

The camp is 100% free in order to be accepted the young ladies have to write an essay on how to improve someone else’s life that is less fortunate or how they can improve their community.  These young ladies are making a difference by helping the young, old, homeless, physically and mentally challenged people while they are improving our community and environment.   The ripple effect of the benefits to our community is immeasurable.  Together we can develop empowered, good valued, productive community members.  Your donation would provide a significant, positive effect to our youth, emergency services and community.

Camp Courage, the First Responder’s Society is a not for profit (business number 858394364), registered charity (charity number 4364) that was established in 2006. Donations are welcome.

Make a donation to Camp Courage using PayPal, and help the organization that empowers young women.

Donate using PayPal:

Donate by Cheque:

Please make cheques payable to Camp Courage the First Responders Society and send to:

Camp Courage
281 Craigburn Drive
Dartmouth, NS
Canada  B2X 3V1

You will receive a receipt for tax purposes.  Please contact Andréa Speranza for letters of request for sponsorship or if you have any further questions.  Thank-you in advance for your support.

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