Fourteen people arrested for alcohol related offences last week

Traffic & Weather

**** RCMP Media Release

Fourteen people arrested for alcohol related offences last week

Halifax District RCMP has arrested 14 people with alcohol-related offences between November 22 and November 29.

Seven people were charged with alcohol-impaired driving, two individuals were charged with refusing to provide a breath sample and five people were issued driving suspensions due to their blood alcohol concentration.

National Safe Driving Week kicks off tomorrow with the National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day. RCMP will be conducting checkpoints throughout the week to encourage motorists to drive safe.

Road safety is a shared responsibility. Please call​ 911​ if you believe someone is driving impaired or is otherwise an immediate threat to public safety. Include as many details as possible, such as the location, direction of travel, vehicle description and license plate number.

Follow @RCMPNS on Twitter and Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Nova Scotia on Facebook for more information and safe driving tips.

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