Hope for Wildlife – It’s time to make your yard wildlife friendly!

Health And Wellness

**** Via Hope for Wildlife

It’s time to make your yard wildlife friendly!

With spring rapidly approaching, the small birds that populate our skies will be looking for a nice, safe spot to build a nest and raise their young. Songbirds like robins, sparrows, finches, and swallows commonly nest in trees and shrubs, but sometimes the available spaces in and around houses like vents, open soffits, and chimneys are very inviting.

We get many, many calls a year for birds that have nested in vents or eaves, or are stuck in chimneys exploring for a good home. Once they are in there, they could easily get injured, or you could be in for an unwanted house guest until the nestlings move out of the nest.

Closing up open soffits, and using animal-control vents with protective mesh will help keep birds safe. Most hardware stores have everything you need! You can also have caps put on your chimney to encourage them to find a better place to raise their young, rather than coming down into your fireplace to find a spot.