Low Water Levels at Lake Major Require Water Conservation Measures


**** Info via Halifax Water

Low Water Levels at Lake Major Require Water Conservation Measures

A prolonged period of low precipitation has resulted in lower-than-normal water levels in Lake Major. Lake Major is the water supply that serves the communities of Dartmouth, Burnside, Cole Harbour, Westphal, North Preston and Eastern Passage (see map for affected service areas).

In order to conserve water, Halifax Water is requesting that all residents and businesses supplied by the Lake Major Water Supply Plant follow voluntary water conservation measures until further notice. These measures include:

– If it’s yellow, let it mellow. Depending on the efficiency of your toilet, each flush uses between 6 to 26 litres of water.
-Shorten your showers. Cut back on the frequency and length of showers.
-Turn off the tap when you don’t need it. Turn the tap off when brushing your teeth, shaving, washing your face etc.
– Wash only full loads of laundry and dishes.

Visit halifaxwater.ca/reducing-your-water-wastewater-use for a full list of ways to conserve water.

These voluntary water conservation measures are being implemented to maintain essential water service for all customers in the Lake Major service area. These voluntary actions will help reduce demand until the rainfall can replenish the lake and remove the need for an engineered solution.

To learn more and find further resources and a weekly water level update visit halifaxwater.ca/lake-major-voluntary-water-conservation-measures

Customers may use this interactive map to determine if they are serviced by the Lake Major water supply. https://hwc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.html?appid=fd1a1e08934a4c7aaee702d01ea73fe4

Halifax Water customers not located within the boundaries shown on the map are not impacted.


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