**** Via Canada Lands Corp
Canada Lands Company has presently listed eight of its properties in the Public Land Bank including the Shannon Park parcel located at 40 Iroquois Drive.
In an effort to address the increasing demand for much needed housing across the country, the Government of Canada has created a Public Land Bank mapping tool with the intent to identify available public lands across the country for future development. This tool highlights several Canada Lands Company properties that will be utilized to provide housing where it’s needed most, including Shannon Park.
Shannon Park is master-planned community connected to the land and water. Located on the Halifax Harbour, this unique 35-hectare (86-acre) site will include housing and a mix of commercial uses and amenities such as parks and an active transportation network. Formerly a military site, Shannon Park was acquired by Canada Lands in 2014 from the Department of National Defence (DND) and includes a French immersion elementary school. Large portions of the site have significant water frontage and offer large, relatively flat areas suitable for development.
The adjacent lands are owned by the Millbrook First Nation. Canada Lands Company and the Millbrook First Nation are working collaboratively to create a cohesive development.
Since 2016, Canada Lands has engaged extensively with the community, which resulted in a preferred development plan. In 2017, the Company built the Canada 150 Trail and Lookout, a pedestrian pathway and boardwalk. The private trail is opened seasonally and continues to provide visitors access to views of the Halifax Harbour. More recently, the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) sought community feedback to finalize the plan and worked with Canada Lands to prepare a development agreement. This plan has evolved during the HRM planning and consultation process, with a new focus on creating a complete community with a mix of residential, commercial, dedicated public park and open spaces, including a school site.
The Shannon Park development will provide 3,000 units within a mix of housing type options. A minimum of 20% of the units will be dedicated as affordable housing. The proposed community development design includes strong pedestrian links throughout with connectivity to the future shoreline park and a future ferry terminal. Future parks will provide both active and passive green spaces. Public transit and a connected active transportation network will be integral to creating a complete community at Shannon Park where residents can easily access daily living needs and amenities without the use of a private vehicle.
Canada Lands submitted its preliminary subdivision package to HRM for review in 2024. Detailed engineering and work on the urban design guidelines, which will shape the look and feel of the community, have been ongoing since. A comprehensive engagement plan to strengthen opportunities for community involvement has been prepared to ensure thoughtful and continuous engagement with community members as the project unfolds.
A new Shannon Park Affordable Housing Advisory Committee is in development wherein stakeholders from the local community were invited to join. This voluntary committee will work alongside Canada Lands in an effort to engage with organizations that build and manage affordable housing. Committee volunteers will assist with identifying successful models and/or coordinating partnerships to enable the development of the minimum 20% of affordable housing units for Shannon Park.
For more information on the approved Shannon Park development agreement, visit the City of Halifax’s webpage which details the Harbour East-Marine Drive Community Council public hearing held in February of 2023.
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