EHS are bringing their clinical skills to Nova Scotians in a new way – via electric bikes

Health And Wellness Uncategorized

**** Info via EHS

Our paramedics are trained to provide excellent care in a myriad of different settings, whether it be in the back of an ambulance, on a helicopter, in the hospital, at home or on scene.

Now, we’re bringing their clinical skills to Nova Scotians in a new way – via electric bikes.

EHS Operations recently launched the new e-bike patrol, which sees a paramedic crew biking around Halifax’s downtown area during busy periods or major events.

Paramedic Dominic L. shares their experience:

“The core of our work today was engaging with members of the public, providing basic information and directions on the city and explaining what our role was,” Dominic said. “We educated plenty of people on the new Bike Patrol Unit and our dedication to provide coverage and rapid responses to areas of high density normally inaccessible by ambulance (like the boardwalk).”

Their presence was immediately noticed and appreciated by Nova Scotians and fellow first responders, including Halifax Regional Police. Special thanks to Halifax Regional Police for their support in our first shift.



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