In photos – The heat is on at the Waverley fire school hosted once again the HRFE CRT course. With graduation only weeks away, there’s no rest for these soon to be grads!
Firefighting presents so many challenges, and being well trained to deal with sudden and unexpected situations is always an important part of the job!
This recent class of soon to be firefighters have been giving it all they got from day one. From classroom to hands on, driving and structure fires, the pressure doesn’t let up from training to graduating.
At the fire school, this round of training saw more scenarios with unexpected twists to keep them on their toes.
The students cycled through a claustrophobic display when they entered a confined space and experienced fire theory, where how airflow can take a smouldering fire to raging inferno when air is introduced to a confined space.
This emphasizes the importance of how aware firefighters have to be inside a dangerous environment.
Smoke and fire movement and growth were demonstrated by using designs in the structure meant to smother or grow fires.
The crews also continued with structure fire training, from page out to fire out. Along with proper communication and tool use, the crews had to find “victims” for rescue. In one scenario, a “mayday” was called, a new twist to the scenario, and unexpected.
A firefighter had become lost inside the fire and smoke filled building, and crews had to move fast, and safely, to rescue the unfortunate firefighter. And they did so with success, despite this being off the beaten path of their current training.
Search and rescue is a vital part of clearing a HAZMAT or fire scene, and performing it safely is vital.
This crew graduates in mid June and are determined to go far beyond the orange helmets of today.