Photos and Info – Discover the mysteries under your skin as Body Worlds Returns to the Museum of Natural History

Events & Entertainment Health And Wellness

**** Via Museum of Natural History

(Unstamped photos via Justina Dollard)

Discover the mysteries under your skin as Body Worlds Returns to the Museum of Natural History

Body Worlds Returns!

The Museum of Natural History is pleased to announce that Body Worlds Vital will open on January 27, 2023.

This all new exhibit is even larger and more impressive than the record setting 2018 exhibit, Body Worlds Rx.

Body Worlds Vital is an incredible exhibition offering an amazing opportunity to understand our anatomy, our health, and to gain a new appreciation for what it means to be human.

The exhibit features more than 150 anatomical specimens – all donated for the benefit of public education and exhibition – that have gone through a meticulous process of ‘plastination’.

The result illustrates how lifestyle decisions impact the wellbeing and health of our body.

Body Worlds Vital will be on view January 27 until April 30, 2023, at your Museum of Natural History.


Body Worlds Vital is an incredible exhibition offering an amazing opportunity to understand our anatomy, our health, and to gain a new appreciation for what it means to be human.

Body Worlds Vital will be on view January 27 until April 30, 2023, at your Museum of Natural History.

This awe-inspiring exhibition educates visitors about anatomy, physiology and health through a series of whole bodies, individual organs and transparent body slices.

Displays present the most current information about common diseases, the effects of tobacco use, and the mechanics of artificial body parts.

By juxtaposing healthy and diseased organs, the exhibition also encourages healthy lifestyle choices.

Highlights of the exhibition include an aerobatic couple posed in an overhead lift to display the muscular system.

Bodies donated to Body Worlds are preserved through a ground-breaking process called plastination.

Invented by scientist Gunther von Hagens, plastination halts decomposition and preserves anatomical specimens for educational purposes.

Body Worlds

Gunther von Hagens’ Body Worlds is the original anatomical exhibition series.

It displays authentic human bodies, willed by donors and preserved through plastination. The series is designed to educate the public about the human body and increase health awareness.

Learn more at

What you need to know

Body Worlds Vital will be on view January 27 until April 30, 2023.


Monday 9 am – 4 pm
Tuesday 9 am – 4 pm
Wednesday 9 am – 4 pm
Thursday 9 am – 9 pm
Friday 9 am – 4 pm
Saturday 9 am – 6 pm
Sunday 9 am – 6pm


Adult $6.30
Child $4.05
Senior $5.70
Student $5.25
Family A (2 adults and children under 17) $17.95
Family B (1 adults and children under 17) $12.50
Annual Pass
Adult $17.95
Family $42.50

*No free passes, coupons or vouchers other than Body Worlds Vital will be accepted at this exhibit


This is the second Body Worlds exhibition in Atlantic Canada. Please allow yourself ample time to take in the entire exhibit.

We expect Body Worlds Vital to be very popular please be patient and enjoy the exhibit. Body Worlds Vital will be on view​ January 27 until April 30, 2023.


Admission to Body Worlds Vital included with Annual Pass to the Museum of Natural History or the Nova Scotia Museum. Please have your pass with you.

Group bookings

To book a visit for your group please call Liz Spence at 902 424-6512 or email


Photography of any kind is not permitted.

More quotes

“It is the largest temporary exhibit that we’ve ever hosted and likely could be one of the largest temporary exhibits that we ever host. It is only made available to us because we have extra space while we’re doing some renovations on that side of the museum.

As we sort of pull ourselves back to showing from the slower times during COVID-19. We just hit all the things lined up for us to be able to do this exhibit in this time space that we have.

Health is such a huge topic for many people now. And i think that the pandemic shed a new light as well to be able to do a show about health, living and healthy lifestyles. So, it is a different exhibit than the one in 2018.

It’s been something big.  It’s bigger than the last one. It has more to see, it is worth it.​ But the point is to see and learn about healthy lifestyle choices.

It’s us listening to our audience and when to know what kind of shows do they want? After body worlds was gone, it was the most requested exhibit. I believe that the only one that rivals that was when we did a t-rex named Sue.

Well a lot of people were like, oh, you know, i can see this in Toronto or Montreal, I never thought we would  see this in Halifax and so and that’s going to be a big thing for us to find the shows that you would only expect to see somewhere else.

And so we hope that visitors come enjoy what they see on the floor because we think that it’s a beautiful display but also it’s just really an important messaging like seeing a smoker’s lung or having a chance to see what cancer looks like.

A woman wrote me a letter and said that she came to the exhibit. She saw the smokers lung in the last exhibit, she quit smoking that day. And she was writing to me to say that she hadn’t smoked in six months. That’s amazing. So for us to have like a real impact in someone’s life.

Dalhousie Medical is providing our volunteers to be at the exhibit almost the entire time the exhibit is running. They were with us last time, and they were wonderful. We have a number of other volunteers that are coming through the exhibit as well, nscad students are coming and doing drawing classes.”

Via Jeff Gray

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