**** Justice Media Release
Funding for African Nova Scotian Justice Institute
The Province is investing $4.1 million in the community-led African Nova Scotian Justice Institute, established just over a year ago to help develop policy and support programs to address overrepresentation and anti-black racism in the justice system.
“This funding represents another significant investment in the work of a valuable justice partner,” said Justice Minister and Attorney General Brad Johns. “The African Nova Scotian Justice Institute is led by community and its research is driven by African Nova Scotian subject matter experts whose work will support programs and services that will help address institutional racism.”
The institute provides justice-related support, research and outreach programs in areas such as police accountability, court support for African Nova Scotians, bail alternatives, reintegration programming, legal education and human rights. The funding will support operational costs through March 2026.
The institute, one of the first of its kind in Atlantic Canada, is led by the African Nova Scotian Decade for People of African Descent Coalition.
“This funding announcement is a welcome sign of the strengthening partnership between the government and the African Nova Scotian community to address systemic racism in the justice system. Our work together will result in greater access to justice for all Nova Scotians.
– Robert Wright, interim Executive Director, African Nova Scotian Justice Institute
Quick Facts:
— when compared to the general population, African Nova Scotians are overrepresented in the province’s criminal justice system: African Nova Scotians represent three per cent of Nova Scotia’s population but about 14 per cent of adults in the Province’s correctional facilities
— the Province is committed to introducing an African Nova Scotian justice action plan to advance social justice and inclusion, and address anti-black racism and discrimination in the justice system; two rounds of engagement in 16 African Nova Scotian communities concluded last month
Additional Resources:
African Nova Scotian Justice Institute: https://www.ansdpad.ca/ansji/
The report on community engagement on the African Nova Scotian justice action plan: https://novascotia.ca/just/publications/docs/african-nova-scotian-justice-action-plan-what-we-heard-report.pdf