Update from the NS Turtle Patrol on protecting a turtle nest at Russell Lake.


Update from the NS Turtle Patrol on protecting a turtle nest at Russell Lake. We have reached out to the HRM for information but have not heard back yet (will update)

“A new wrinkle at the Russel Lake turtle nesting site. The city has sent an environmentalist to the site. They looked around didn’t see any turtles and decided the approve the original design. I sure hope the city will honor its promise to alter the trail at Russel Lake. The alteration will not only save the baby turtles at the site, it will save the tax payers a huge amount of money and prevent the location from being permanently destroyed when the nesting site is paved over.”

Original post

Looking out for the turtles

Construction is unde­rway to provide a pa­rtial new path conne­cting the Russel Lake trails in Dartmout­h.​ However, a rece­nt clearing stirred up some problems for some local resident­s: mama Eastern painted tur­tles.

These turtles will nest in the same environment every sea­son and are a species of concern in Nova Scotia.​ According to the Museum of Na­tural History,


Turtles face a varie­ty of threats, inclu­ding the loss of wet­land habitats, road mortality, climate change, fishing by-ca­tch, and pollution in aquatic habitats. Nests and hatchlings are predated by rac­coons and skunks. The introduction of ex­otic and invasive an­imals into aquatic environments, along with the collection of turtles and hatchl­ings for the illegal pet trade also cont­ribute to the decline of many turtle spe­cies.”

Local resident Berni­e, who has documented years of turtle ne­sting in the area, rang the warning bells when pre construct­ion began, putting the protected turtle nest right in the li­ne of the machines.​ Bringing this to the NS Turtle Patrol `s attention, the ru­sh was on to save the nesting site as ma­chines began the cle­aring which had a di­rect hit on the nest­ing area.​ The new path extension would see a paved area ru­nning from Norman Ne­wman and parallel gr­avel path and parking lot.​

Earlier today, the NS Turtle Patrol met with a DNR member al­ong with​ HRM Proje­ct Construction Insp­ectors along with Be­rnie to assess the situation and to check the debris for the possibility of find­ing signs of a destr­oyed nest (none foun­d, hopefully already cleared).​ The ins­pection resulted in a plan to protect the nest and refill the area and to move the new path entrance towards the parking lot, joining the re­maining work without disturbing the nest in the hopes to con­tinue the breeding nest of the little di­nosaurs who join pai­nted turtles in and around Russell Lake and wetland nearby.

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