Nurse Practitioners Now Able to Perform Medical Assessments for Drivers

Traffic & Weather

**** Transport  / Health Media Release

Nurse Practitioners Now Able to Perform Medical Assessments for Drivers
Nova Scotians who require medical assessments to drive now have more options to obtain that approval.

Amendments to regulations under the Motor Vehicle Act came into effect today, Dec. 16, allowing nurse practitioners to complete medical assessment forms for commercial driver licence applications, and drivers who have medical conditions requiring assessment. It also allows for the completion of medical forms for drivers being assessed for accessible parking permits, the Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program and exemptions from seat belt or child restraint systems for medical reasons.

“This is about streamlining the process for motorists who need medical forms to drive,” said Lloyd Hines, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal. “Nurse practitioners are an essential part of our health-care system, with the advanced education and competencies needed to complete these medical assessment forms.”

The change will reduce burden on physicians and improve access to this service.

“The public greatly benefits when health providers such as nurse practitioners are able to care for clients to the full extent of their professional scope and authority. These changes enable Nova Scotians to access additional nurse practitioners who are dedicated to providing safe, competent health services, including those related to motor vehicle safety.”
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ – Sue Smith, CEO and registrar, Nova Scotia College of Nursing

“Nurse practitioners are critical contributing members of our collaborative interprofessional health-care teams. By continuing to support nurse practitioners to practice to the full scope of their profession, Nova Scotians benefit from the availability of this health service, and it contributes to greater efficiencies within the broader health system.”
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ – Dr. Gail Tomblin Murphy, vice president of research, innovation and discovery, and chief nurse executive, Nova Scotia Health Authority

Quick facts:
– there are 238 nurse practitioners in Nova Scotia, about 120 work in primary care
– these changes will reduce pressure on physicians who will have more time to focus on patients with more complex medical issues

Additional resources:
Updated Driver’s Medical Examination Report form can be found at:

To learn more about driver’s licence classification in Nova Scotia, visit:

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