What a morning at Mic Mac Mall!

Events & Entertainment In The Spotlight

What a morning at Mic Mac Mall!

Santa has arrived! With a HRP and HRFE escort to the mall, Santa rolled up in style. Taking a moment to check out the tree for Boston on display, he was then escorted into the mall with pipes and drum and a staff and HRFE escort to the slumbering Woody.

There, Santa and fire crews got the large crowd energized, waking up Woody who happily addressed the crowd and thanked them for coming out, also thanking our first responders for all they do.

Leaving Woody, where the crowd to chat with him waited eagerly, Santa then visited the HRFE Fight4Life tables, a wonderful fundraising calendar dedicated to PTSD support (see post from yesterday).

Santa then headed off to do his holiday duties all thanks to the crowds, Mic Mac Mall and first responders.




















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