This JUNE, every DOLLAR raised through Canada Helps is an entry to give Bide Awhile a chance at winning $20,000 through the Great Canadian Giving Challenge!

In The Spotlight

**** Bide Awhile Release

This JUNE, every DOLLAR raised through Canada Helps is an entry to give Bide Awhile a chance at winning $20,000 through the Great Canadian Giving Challenge!

If Bide Awhile were to win the Great Canadian Giving Challenge, we would put the funds towards our Palliative Care Foster Program, allowing us to provide more animals with a much deserved second chance at life.

Our Palliative Care Foster Program is designed to find permanent homes for animals with health conditions and those who may be harder to adopt out. The animals in this program are still able to live a quality life, though some medical care is required. Through this program, Bide Awhile covers spay and neuter, all medical costs that are deemed necessary by our veterinarian, and any emergency care required.

The Palliative Care Foster Program costs Bide Awhile approximately $500 a year per animal. With your help, we can continue to expand this program to help more animals in need.

If you would like to learn more about the Palliative Care Foster Program, please visit our website:

If you would like to DONATE to give Bide Awhile a chance at winning $20,000 we would be so grateful. You can donate via Canada Helps through this link:

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