Sophie’s Story: a caring act of kindness to help a stranger

In The Spotlight

11 year old Sophie is about to do something to help out another, and it’s personal.

Inspired by her grandfather, who is fighting prostate cancer with treatments, Sophie knows that the big, ugly C word has countless obstacles for patients and families.​ One thing we take for granted, Sophie has thought about:​ Hair.

​(From her first donation, to help “a little girl who has no hair, so she can be a princess like me”)

Sophie spoke to her family one day, saying she wanted to help someone, somehow.​ Her decision:​ Shave her head and donate the hair to someone undergoing cancer treatment.

Sophies hair will be donated to a company that makes wigs and the family she chose ( out of a Facebook message nomination ) will receive the money raised on her GoFundMe page (below) with the event, creating  2 good deeds in one.

Sophie created the one who made the video message to tell the chosen family they were “ picked.”

(Mom Jenny, Sophie, and organizer Lorna)

Now the interesting thing is, this isn’t the first time Sophie has donated her hair to be made into a wig for cancer.​ Mom (Jenny) says that her first hair donation was when she was 3 years old. Sophie understood that sometimes people get sick and she wanted to help.​

But it’s been years since her last donation, and being 11 now, she says she’s excited (but a bit nervous) to undertake such a drastic change, especially while attending school.​ With that in mind, the family have been in touch with her school about what’s going to happen and how to ensure she won’t face any negativity while at school.​ Mom says that the school staff are very excited and supportive of Sophie’s cause and willingness to help. Those in her community are showing considerable support, as well.

As Sophie’s golden locks come off, Lorna, of the Estabrooks Community Hall, will host her haircut event with a generous donation of time and space.

Sophie and the Estabrooks Community Hall are inviting everyone to join in and celebrate with support for sweet Sophie.​ She says they hope to have a full community celebration, including a BBQ and games. Sophie hopes to also have the support of community agencies with thier presence at the event.

Stay tuned for more details as the event draws closer.

If you wish to make a donation to help, please visit the GoFundMe page set up to also help below:

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