NSLC Employee Tests Positive for COVID 19

The Covid Chronicle

**** NSLC Media Release

The Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation (NSLC) has its first confirmed case of one employee testing positive for COVID-19. This employee was last in the store on Portland Street (Dartmouth) on Friday, April 3. We wish our employee well and out of respect for employee privacy, no further details on the specifics of this case will be provided.

Our store on Portland Street was closed Friday afternoon as soon as we learned our employee was exposed to COVID-19 outside the workplace. The store was immediately cleaned and disinfected by a professional cleaning company. Store employees were told to self-isolate until we had test results. We will continue to follow all public health advice and will be working with our employee, and the entire store team, to offer as much support as possible in the weeks ahead.

Public Health will be contacting those who had close contact with this employee to determine the appropriate next steps.

We will re-open the Portland Street store tomorrow morning at 10:00 am with NSLC employees from other stores in the area.

We understand customers who shopped in this store may be concerned about possible exposure. We have been following all public health advice and have several precautions in place to reduce risk. These include employee education on good respiratory hygiene, limiting the number of customers in our stores to five, barriers at cash to ensure physical distancing, increased cleaning, customers bagging their own product and encouraging payment by debit & credit. Employees that were exhibiting any symptoms of cough and/or fever were asked to stay home and we asked the same of our customers.

Customers are encouraged to self-monitor and if they have concerns visit novascotia.ca/coronavirus for more information and to access the self-assessment tool.

About the NSLC

The NSLC manages the safe and responsible sale of beverage alcohol and recreational cannabis in Nova Scotia, returning 100% of its profits to government to help fund key public services. As a true partner in our communities, the NSLC conducts its business with integrity and respect for the environment, while supporting the growth of local industry. For more information about the NSLC, please click here.

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