Facebook owned sites not working for many
Widespread complaints (including here) if Facebook, IG and other FB family not working suddenly. No word on if it’s a crash or hack or how long this will be. As posted on Twitter Shortage map: https://downdetector.ca/status/facebook/map/...
Police warn of prepaid gift card scam
**** HRP Media Release Police warn of prepaid gift card scam Halifax Regional Police is warning citizens and retailers of a prepaid gift card scam in the Halifax region. The Financial Crime Unit of the Integrated Criminal Investigation Division is investigating recent reports of frauds involving prepaid gift cards that have been tampered with to...
**** Dalhousie University Release A MESSAGE TO THE COMMUNITY: UNSANCTIONED HALIFAX STREET PARTIES We are gravely disappointed in the deplorable, reckless behaviour of students who organized and attended large, unsanctioned and illegal street parties near campus yesterday. While we are grateful to the majority of our students who heeded the clear warnings that were shared about...
HRP’s Operation Fall-Back continues patrols in university neighbourhoods
**** HRP Media Release HRP’s Operation Fall-Back continues patrols in university neighbourhoods As part of Operation Fall-Back, Halifax Regional Police will continue its presence in university neighbourhoods this weekend to discourage any disruptive behaviour and to ensure current public health measures are being followed. With the launch of HRP’s annual Operation Fall-Back...
HRM Statement regarding homeless encampment at Meagher Park
**** HRM Media Release HRM Statement regarding homeless encampment at Meagher Park The following is a statement from the Halifax Regional Municipality regarding support being provided to occupants of the homeless encampment at Meagher Park on Chebucto Road. On Saturday, September 18, the municipality was contacted by professional service providers and volunteers at the homeless...
OCEARCH Expedition Nova Scotia 2021
**** OCEARCH Release Expedition Nova Scotia 2021 OCEARCH returns to Atlantic Canada for the 4th year to embark on our 42nd Ocean Research Expedition in the waters off of Nova Scotia. After tagging 73 total white sharks in their Northwest Atlantic White Shark study, 26 of which were tagged off of Nova Scotia, OCEARCH has...
Statement regarding ongoing efforts to address homelessness in the Halifax region
**** HRM Media Release Statement regarding ongoing efforts to address homelessness in the Halifax region The following is a statement from the Halifax Regional Municipality regarding the ongoing efforts to address homelessness in our region. Beginning on Monday, Sept. 20, Assistant Chief of Emergency Management, Erica Fleck, has been assigned to a three-month role...
Online Marketplace Shopping Tips
**** HRP Media Release Online Marketplace Shopping Tips Halifax Regional Police is sharing some tips to protect against online marketplace scams. The Integrated Financial Crime Unit is continuing to receive reports of online marketplace scams. Police remind online shoppers that exercising a little caution can pay off in the long run: Browse the...
Increased Harbour Activities during CUTLASS FURY 21
**** DND Media Release Increased Harbour Activities during CUTLASS FURY 21 Residents are advised that Maritime Forces Atlantic (MARLANT) will be running a training event for CUTLASS FURY 21 in the Bedford Basin and St. Margaret’s Bay on Sunday, September 12, 2021, which will take place from approximately 7:00 a.m. (Atlantic) until late afternoon...
MARS received a notification that a dead endangered blue whale had been found floating off Sambro
**** Info via MARS Late yesterday, MARS received a notification that a dead endangered blue whale had been found floating off Sambro, Nova Scotia. By early this morning, the 82ft long carcass had washed ashore on Crystal Crescent Beach. MARS Responders were on-scene today to assess the situation and collect valuable research samples. While the...