General Interests

Businesses and individuals targeted by Spear Phishing scam

**** Canadian Anti-fraud Centre Release Spear phishing scams involve scammers pretending to be from legitimate sources to convince businesses or individuals to send them money. These scams leverage existing relationships between the person receiving the email and the person sending it. The sender’s address appears to be the actual email address of the source they’re...

Volunteer during an emergency with JEM

**** HRFE Release Volunteer during an emergency Regional emergency response In the critical hours following a crisis situation, while local and provincial response agencies are dealing with the immediate and urgent needs of the municipality, residents in affected communities need to be prepared to help themselves and to assist their neighbours, who may have been...

Comfort Centres After a Disaster

**** HRFE Release Comfort Centres Following the activation for any municipal emergency management plan: Under the municipal emergency plan (MEP), in conditions that don’t require an evacuation, during an emergency the municipality may establish or support community comfort centers whereby a resident population may visit to receive essential needs like meals, hygiene facilities, electronic device...

CWF encouraged but cautious about new measures to conserve right whales

**** Canadian Wildlife Federation Release CWF encouraged but cautious about new measures to conserve right whales CWF encouraged but cautious about new measures to conserve right whales The federal government’s new measures to conserve right whales are well founded and we are hopeful they will prevent another mortality crisis; however, the Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF)...

CRA: Slam the scam – Protect yourself against fraud

**** Info via the CRA Know how to recognize a scam There are many fraud types, including new ones invented daily. Taxpayers should be vigilant when they receive, either by telephone, mail, text message or email, a fraudulent communication that claims to be from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requesting personal information such as a social...

It’s that time of year again! Breeding season for some wildlife has already started. Keep wildlife from using your property as dens!

**** Info via Hope for Wildlife Spring is just around the corner! Erica recently shared some great information that we would like to pass on! “It’s that time of year again! Breeding season for some wildlife has already started, like great horned owls, foxes and some mustelids. So here it is! Garden sheds, attics, wood...

Be in the know to stay one step ahead of scammers

**** RCMP Media Release Be in the know to stay one step ahead of scammers March is Fraud Prevention Month and the Nova Scotia RCMP wants you and your loved ones to stay one step ahead of scammers. Every year, thousands of Canadians, including Nova Scotians, fall victim to fraud, losing millions of dollars. Many...

The province is investing $355,000 to help the Bus Stop Theatre complete major renovations

**** COMMUNITIES/CULTURE/HERITAGE Media Release Support for Bus Stop Theatre ————————————————————— Culture and the arts are important to Nova Scotians and contribute to the vibrancy of our communities and our economy. That is why the province is investing $355,000 to help the Bus Stop Theatre complete major renovations. “The renovations support not only the Bus Stop...

Better Support for Those Who Use Legal Aid

**** JUSTICE Media Release Better Support for Those Who Use Legal Aid ————————————————————— Changes introduced to the Legal Aid Act today, Feb. 25, will support thousands of Nova Scotians who need help with legal matters and rely on the Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission. Attorney General and Minister of Justice Mark Furey introduced amendments which...

Flying High with the HEFA

Flying High with the HEFA The Halifax Electric Flyers Club is an organization that has been around since 2007, and consists of like-minded members who enjoy the remote control world of flight. Unlike the newest trend of drone flying, this club focuses on replica aircraft flight. With replica war, small civilian and unique aircraft mixed...