Family is thankful for responders who saved 11 day old son

In The Spotlight

The Sweet family are grateful for the fast response of first responders and the care their son received in hospital after a casual day turned to terror not long ago.

Dad Adrian says that one day, while out and about, the family stopped for gas in Upper Tantallon, a simple routine.​ Adrian noticed that his 11 day old son, Leo, was in distress.​ Adrian, who is a volunteer firefighter and paramedic, wasted no time jumping into action.​ While mom, Amber, called 911, Adrian began to try to help his son, who appeared to be choking.​ While performing CPR on his own son, he realized Leo’s situation was dire.

Not far from the call, HRFE station 65 (Upper Tantallon station) were fast on scene.​ The fire crew showed up very quickly and took immediate control of the scene.​ Leo was soon breathing and stable.​ EHS were quickly on scene with life saving measures, ensuring Leo remained stable and calm during transport to hospital.​ Leo remained in hospital for several days under professional, compassionate care at the IWK.

Leo fell ill from a condition called RSV.  Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes infections of the lungs and respiratory tract. It’s so common that most children have been infected with the virus by age 2. Respiratory syncytial (sin-SISH-ul) virus can also infect adults.

The family remains grateful to the fire service fast response, to paramedics and the IWK.

This story bears a similarity to a previous story previously published in 2019.

Meeting the heroes: A family says thanks after toddlers life is saved.…rs-life-is-saved


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