**** Fundraiser
Months ago, the HRFE lost the comforting and loving therapy dog Hicks from sub-aortic stenosis and pulmonary stenosis. Annette, Hicks’ handler, now wants to help another friend in need with this fundraiser, dedicated in Hicks memory.
Camo has pulmonary stenosis and needs razor balloon surgery, the same type of surgery Hicks had.
“In memory of Hicks we will be selling long & short sleeve T-shirts to allow Camo, the bed bug dection dog, to have a similar heart surgery.
$20 short sleeve, $26 long, i can order children’s if there’s enough interest to do another printing
Please help us help Camo. All proceeds will go to helping save his life. Contact me directly for more info”
Annette on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/annette.thompson.100
Email is hicksheart@hotmail.ca