Appointment reminders now available through the YourHealthNS App, text messages

Health And Wellness

**** NSHA Media Release

Appointment reminders now available through the YourHealthNS App, text messages

Managing healthcare appointments just got easier with two new appointment reminder options: push notifications through the YourHealthNS app, and text messages for most Nova Scotia Health and IWK Health appointments.

“These new reminder services reflect our commitment to making healthcare more accessible and convenient for all Nova Scotians,” says Scott McKenna, Chief Information Officer, Nova Scotia Health and IWK Health. “Whether through the YourHealthNS app or text message notifications, we’re focused on reducing barriers to care and supporting patients in managing their health.”

Push notifications through the YourHealthNS app:

Registered users of the YourHealthNS app who are 16 years or age and over can now view their upcoming appointments under the Records section. These appointments can also be added to their calendar.

They can also receive timely push notifications reminding them of upcoming appointments. These notifications are sent seven days, one day before, and the day of appointments.

This service supports a broad range of healthcare appointments, including: hospitals; primary care; walk-in clinics; community pharmacies; vaccines; specialists; mental health and addictions (Nova Scotia Health/IWK Health); diagnostic imaging; lab work; ECG/EKG; STI testing; screening mammograms; and appointments at participating First Nations health centres.

However, certain appointments, such as those with independent providers, clinics using paper records, or cancer care appointments already receiving reminders are not included in this service.

  • Text message reminders for all Nova Scotians:

In addition to the app notifications, Nova Scotians, regardless of whether they are registered on the YourHealthNS app, will now receive text message appointment reminders. Reminders are sent to the cell phone number provided to the clinic at the time of booking 14 days, seven days, and one day before appointments.

This text service includes most Nova Scotia Health and IWK Health appointments, and most specialist appointments, whether they are hospital or clinic based. However, it excludes certain categories, including: appointments with non-Nova Scotia Health/IWK Health providers; vaccine appointments; specialist appointments booked outside standard digital systems; forensic appointments; special gynecology appointments; Nova Scotia Health Mental Health and Addictions services; IWK Health appointments deemed sensitive ( Shared Care, Adolescent Intensive Service, Childrens Intensive Service, Pediatric Advanced Care Team, Child Protection Services); and diagnostic mammograms.

Both systems aim to reduce missed appointments, ensuring timely access to essential healthcare services.


For more information about YourHealthNS, visit

Quick Facts:

  • The YourHealthNS app has been downloaded more than 560,000 times.
  • Access to electronic records through the YourHealthNS app was expanded provincewide after a success three-month pilot project with 15 family doctors and seven nurse practitioners at six clinics. The pilot was available to more than 13,000 patients.

Additional Resources:

News release – YourHealthNS to Include Ultrasound Reports: YourHealthNS to Include Ultrasound Reports | Government of Nova Scotia News Releases

News release – YourHealthNS to Include X-ray Reports:

News release – Province Expands Access to Electronic Health Records:

News release – YourHealthNS Pilots Access to Patient Records:

News release – New Mobile App Provides Better Access to Care, Information:

Provincial media line: 1-844-483-3344

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