Springhill man faces multiple charges for child pornography offences following multijurisdictional investigations


**** RCMP Media Release

Springhill man faces multiple charges for child pornography offences following multijurisdictional investigations

A Springhill man is facing multiple charges for child pornography offences following investigations that began in September 2023.

In September 2023, the Nova Scotia RCMP’s provincial Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) Unit received information from the National Child Exploitation Crime Centre, Homeland Security Investigations, and New York State Police that a Springhill man had travelled to the United States to meet with a youth for sexual purposes. At the time, it was believed the man had returned to Canada in possession of child pornography on his devices.

In December 2023, the ICE Unit, with assistance from RCMP Digital Forensic Services and Cumberland County District RCMP, executed a search warrant at a residence in Springhill and seized electronic devices.

On March 7, 2024, as a result of the search and subsequent investigation, the ICE Unit, with assistance from Cumberland County District RCMP and the Nova Scotia RCMP Interview Assistance Team, arrested 26-year-old Bryce Melanson and charged him with Luring a Child, Possession of Child Pornography and Making Sexually Explicit Material Available to a Child. He was released on conditions and appeared in Amherst Provincial Court at a later date.

In late March, the ICE Unit received information from Homeland Security Investigations that Melanson was continuing to communicate with the youth victim, contrary to his conditions. This information prompted a joint investigation with Homeland Security Investigations.

On May 15, the ICE Unit, with assistance of Cumberland County District RCMP, executed a warrant at Melanson’s residence as part of that investigation and subsequently charged him with Uttering Threats, Criminal Harassment, Fail to Comply and Intimidation of a Justice Participant. Melanson appeared in Amherst Provincial Court and was held in custody until June 7, when he was released on bail pending future court appearances.

On October 2, the ICE Unit received information that child pornography was transmitted via a social media platform, leading investigators, with assistance of RCMP Digital Forensic Services, Cumberland County District RCMP, and Cumberland County Street Crime Enforcement Unit, to execute a search warrant at Melanson’s home on December 11. Melanson was safely arrested and charged with Possession of Child Pornography, Transmission of Child Pornography and two counts of Fail to Comply with a Release Order. He was remanded into custody and will appear in Amherst Provincial Court on January 28, 2025.

“Over the last year we have worked closely with Homeland Security Investigations, the New York State Police, and a social media platform to gather evidence and move our files forward,” says Cst. Mandy Edwards, RCMP NS Internet Child Exploitation Unit. “We rely on our partnerships across the country and internationally to identify the people who produce and distribute child pornography and to get child victims the help they need from police and support resources.”

In Nova Scotia, it is mandatory for citizens to report suspected child pornography. Anyone who encounters child pornography material or recordings must report it to police. Failing to report suspicious activity could result in penalties similar to failure to report child abuse set out in the Child and Family Services Act. The RCMP encourages citizens to be a voice for children who are victims of sexual exploitation by reporting any suspected offences to their local police or by using Canada’s National tip site for reporting online sexual exploitation of children: www.cybertip.ca.




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