**** CNS Media Release
Premier Names Transition Team
Premier Tim Houston moved quickly to appoint a five-member team today, November 27, to support transition to the new government.
“We travelled across this province and stood on thousands of doorsteps sharing our message of positivity and potential and last night, you sent us a message that I received loud and clear,” said Premier Houston. “Nova Scotians gave us a clear mandate to keep going with the plan, and we will.”
The transition team chair is Scott Armour McCrea, CEO of the Armour Group Limited in Halifax. Other transition team members are:
– Nicole LaFosse Parker, chief of staff and general counsel to the Premier
– Chris Lydon, President, m5 Public Affairs
– Cameron MacKeen, campaign co-chair, lawyer and former journalist
– Tara Miller, KC (King’s counsel), campaign co-chair, lawyer, business owner and former Progressive Conservative party president.
The transition team begins work today. A date to swear in the new cabinet will be announced soon.
Quick Facts:
– the general election was called October 27 and held