Access to High-Speed Internet for More Nova Scotians

General Intrests


Access to High-Speed Internet for More Nova Scotians
Access to reliable, high-speed internet service across the province gives Nova Scotians more options in choosing where to live and work.

That is why government invested $193 million to expand internet access. Today, Sept. 1, Develop Nova Scotia announced the second round of Internet for Nova Scotia Initiative projects, which will provide access to an additional 32,000 homes and businesses.

“Reliable high-speed internet is an essential part of building a strong, connected Nova Scotia,” said Premier Stephen McNeil. “As of today, projects are underway that will see 97 per cent of homes and businesses in our province with high-speed access. We can be proud that Nova Scotia will be one of the first provinces in Canada to reach this level of coverage.”

This agreement with pre-qualified internet service provider Bell Canada will provide more than 100 communities across the province with high-speed internet, at speeds higher than Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) targets. With preparatory and engineering work already underway on the new projects, it is expected that more than 11,000 homes and businesses will have access by summer 2021, 21,000 by end of 2021, and all 32,000 by summer 2022.

The Nova Scotia Internet Funding Trust is investing $59 million in these projects, with leveraged funds of $61 million from the public and private sector.

“We’re making good progress to bring this important service to Nova Scotians and our partners are moving as quickly as possible to make it available to more people and businesses every day. And we’re not done – we have now turned our attention, with urgency, to reach those remaining underserved areas with high-quality connections.”
– Jennifer Angel, president and CEO, Develop Nova Scotia

“We are pleased to continue our investment partnership with the province of Nova Scotia to expand Bell’s all-fibre network to 32,000 more homes and businesses. As the country’s largest investor in network infrastructure, including here in Nova Scotia and across the Atlantic region, Bell continues to deliver on our goal of advancing how Canadians connect with each other and the world.”
– Glen LeBlanc, vice chair Atlantic, Bell Canada

Quick Facts:
— since the first round of Internet for Nova Scotia Initiative projects announced in February, approximately 18,000 homes and businesses now have the network in place to provide new or improved high-speed internet, and providers are working to make those connections as quickly as possible. The target for round one is 42,000
— projects are being implemented on average 50 per cent faster on almost every step of the process when compared to industry standards
— Develop Nova Scotia continues to work with providers on project acceleration where possible with the additional $15 million provincial investment announced in March. Any remaining funds will be part of the arm’s length Nova Scotia Internet Funding Trust for future projects
— the total investment of $110 million by the province through the Nova Scotia Internet Funding Trust has leveraged $120 million of additional funding to date, including $102 million from the private sector
— all projects approved to date for funding by the trust will provide at least target speeds required by the CRTC (50 Mbps down/10 Mbps up for wired, 25 Mbps down/5 Mbps up for wireless, with a demonstrated plan to reach 50 Mbps)

Additional Resources:
For a breakdown of communities, partners, access to connection numbers and more details about this round, visit

Information on the Internet for Nova Scotia Initiative is available by visiting this site, by e-mailing or by calling 1-833-422-6591

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