Cunard Pond Beach reopens to swimming

Health And Wellness Traffic & Weather

**** HRM Media Release

Cunard Pond Beach reopens to swimming

The Halifax Regional Municipality is advising residents that Cunard Pond Beach in Spryfield has reopened to swimming following blue-green algae toxin testing.

Test results have indicated toxin levels are within Health Canada limits and no new blue-green algae material has been observed.

When a blue-green algae bloom or matis observed, a beach closure is issued and initial testing is done to determine whether the algae bloom is toxin producing. If the algae bloom is not toxin producing, no further testing is required, and the beach will be reopened.

If the algae bloom is toxin producing, further testing will be carried out and the beach will remain closed until blooms have disappeared and post-bloom test results indicate the toxin concentration is within Health Canada guidelines.

To learn more about algae blooms, visit


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