Municipal statement regarding new designated locations

General Intrests

**** HRM Media Release

Municipal statement regarding new designated locations

Today, the Halifax Regional Municipality is opening the following two new designated locations to accommodate the growing number of people sleeping rough: 


These two sites were identified from the list of potential designated locations following approval from Regional Council on July 9. With the addition of these sites, there are now six designated locations in the municipality. 

As part of the planning required before opening any new designated location, risk assessments were completed by Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency and site preparation will be completed today at both locations. People sleeping rough at these locations will be offered supports, including portable toilets, waste collection, bottled water distribution and seasonal maintenance.   

If any of the other potential sites are opened as designated locations, that information will be shared publicly, including the specific section or area permitted for sleeping rough. To open any of the potential designated sites, site preparation will first need to be completed by municipal staff, including supports to people sleeping rough at designated locations and mitigations for potential community impacts. 

Simultaneous to the opening of these designated locations, Street Navigators and outreach workers are engaging with those experiencing homelessness who are in non-designated areas, to help with relocating.  

The municipality has explored other options, including privately owned land and sought other space for encampments from provincial and federal governments. The municipality does not support encampments or tenting as a solution to the homelessness crisis. These locations are a temporary measure until appropriate sheltering and housing options become available from the Province of Nova Scotia. 

Municipal staff continue to regularly visit the existing designated locations to ensure the services are adequate and to mitigate issues where possible. Municipal staff will also continue coordinating with the Province of Nova Scotia and their service providers to ensure those experiencing homelessness have access to the support they need. 

For more information about ongoing efforts by the municipality to help address homelessness in our region, visit:


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