Phase Two community engagement for Portland Street – Cole Harbour Road functional planning study

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**** HRM Media Release

Phase Two community engagement for Portland Street – Cole Harbour Road functional planning study

The Halifax Regional Municipality is inviting residents to provide their feedback on the Portland Street – Cole Harbour Road Functional Planning Study.

The municipality is planning on making incremental changes to the transportation network on Portland Street and Cole Harbour Road, from Alderney Drive and Prince Albert Road to Bissett Road over the next few years. A study has been undertaken to develop a future vision for this area that seeks to provide high quality multi-modal transportation options, including considerations like bus rapid transit, wider sidewalks, continuous off-road cycling facilities and intersection improvements. These potential changes could also improve people-moving efficiency and road safety through a lens of ‘Complete Streets’, which are designed to make travel safe and convenient for people of all ages and abilities.

Phase two of the community engagement focuses on the presentation of conceptual design scenarios and associated trade-offs. Feedback from the public, including area residents, will be used to refine the concepts and evaluate trade-offs for each of the design scenarios.

Upcoming community engagement opportunities

Thursday, June 13, 2024
6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Mic Mac Amateur Aquatic Club – 192 Prince Albert Road, Dartmouth, N.S.

Monday, June 17, 2024
6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Cole Harbour Place – 51 Forest Hills Parkway, Dartmouth, N.S.

The open house sessions will be drop-in style with display boards and breakout tables for themed discussion. There will be an opportunity to review two design scenarios and ask questions of municipal staff. An online survey is also currently open until June 28, available here.

Feedback from residents will help refine the concept designs for this project. For more information visit our website.


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