Meet Connie, author of the book “Pickles the Osprey – An Ospreys Journey in Nova Scotia” who talks about why she wrote the book and her desire to fundraise for Hope for Wildlife

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Meet Connie, author of the book “Pickles the Osprey – An Ospreys Journey in Nova Scotia” who talks about why she wrote the book and her desire to fundraise for Hope for Wildlife

Hello.  Please introduce yourself
Good day everyone. My name is Connie Dennis and I’m the author of the children’s book, “Pickles the Osprey”. In this book you will read all about Pickles journey here in Nova Scotia and his eventual migration to somewhere in the sunny South.
You wrote a book about Pickles the Osprey.  What inspired you to write this book not only about Pickles but also the beautiful birds themselves?
I created a Facebook Group group, “Ospreys of Nova Scotia”, and to my surprise, it quickly gained traction. People from all over the province joined and many actually from all over the maritime provinces, sharing their own sightings and photos of these magnificent creatures.
But what truly amazed me was the sense of community that formed within the group. Members were not only sharing their love for Ospreys, but also connecting with each other and forming friendships.
As the group grew, many members and friends started encouraging me to write a book about our provincial bird of Nova Scotia.
St first, I was hesitant. I had never written a book before and really didn’t know where to begin.
But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that this was an opportunity to not only share my knowledge and passion for Ospreys, but also to showcase the beauty of Nova Scotia and it’s wildlife.
You are also donating to Hope for Wildlife per every sale of the book.  Why is that?

Hope For Wildlife is a non-profit organization that has been rescuing and rehabilitating injured and orphaned wildlife in Nova Scotia, Canada, since 1997. The center’s mission is to provide a second chance at life for these animals, with the ultimate goal of releasing them back into the wild.

The center’s work is not limited to ospreys; they care for a wide range of species, including birds, mammals, and reptiles. The staff and volunteers at Hope For Wildlife are passionate about their work and are committed to providing the best possible care for the animals in their charge.

When I decided to donate all of my profits from ‘Pickles the Osprey’ to Hope For Wildlife, it was a decision born out of a deep sense of gratitude and a desire to give back to the organization that had inspired me.

By donating all of my profits, I am ensuring that every penny earned from the sale of my book goes directly to supporting the work of Hope For Wildlife. This decision not only demonstrates my commitment to the cause but also serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of conservation and the role that each of us can play in protecting our planet’s wildlife.

Your husband contributed many of the beautiful photos for this book.  Who else would you like to thank who contributed to the book? 
My daughter Bobbi Jo Bath did the photoshopping in the book and was a huge help to me with her unbridled dedication to my quest to write my book.
Greg David was my illustrator and he did an amazing job as you can see in my book.  And as mentioned , my husband Don provided all of the beautiful photography in my book.
Where can a person buy this book?
You can purchase the book signed directly from me, from Indigo Chapters, online or in store, on-line at Hope For Wildlife or from my publisher ‘Morning Dove Press”.
Any other information you’d like to share? 
My hope is that through this book, readers will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the remarkable lifespan of these raptors. From the laying of the egg to their eventual migration, the Ospreys demonstrate the beauty and complexity of nature.
I hope that this book will inspire readers to protect and conserve these magnificent creatures ensuring that future generations will be able to witness the wonder of the Ospreys in our skies.
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