New Partnership Will Address Childhood Obesity, Chronic Disease / More Funding for Community Mental Health Services, Supports

Health And Wellness

***’ CNS Media Release

New Partnership Will Address Childhood Obesity, Chronic Disease


Nova Scotia is partnering with Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. to create the Nova Scotia Lighthouse project, an initiative that will address childhood obesity and chronic disease in the province.

The Nova Scotia Lighthouse project will bring together healthcare, academic and economic leaders to identify barriers and challenges that contribute to poor health outcomes. Business, academia and community organizations will be invited to submit proposals to address them.

Nova Scotia is the first jurisdiction in the world to deliver this initiative outside of Denmark.

“Expanding access is only one side of transforming healthcare. We also need to look at the underlying issues that impact the health of Nova Scotians that cause them to seek care in the first place,” said Premier Tim Houston. “This partnership will create an opportunity to work together across sectors to find new and innovative solutions to help Nova Scotians and reduce the pressure on our healthcare system.”

In June, the Nova Scotia Lighthouse project will release innovation challenges and invite business and industry in Nova Scotia to propose solutions. Proposals will be evaluated and those selected will receive funding.

The Nova Scotia Lighthouse project is based on a concept from the Danish Business Promotion Agency, Danish Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, Novo Nordisk, research institutions and technology companies.

In May 2023, the Province and Denmark signed a memorandum of understanding focused on improving the healthcare system, which established four areas of collaboration. Non-communicable disease management and care is one of those areas this partnership and initiative will address.

“Novo Nordisk is very proud to be part of this innovative public-private partnership in Nova Scotia, which is focused on preventing the rising rates of childhood obesity and chronic disease. The project underscores the importance of working with invested partners and demonstrates Novo Nordisk’s commitment to our purpose of driving change to defeat serious chronic diseases. We look forward to identifying solutions that will help improve the health of Nova Scotians.”
— Vince Lamanna, Senior Vice-President and President, Novo Nordisk Canada Inc.

“The Lighthouse Life Science model showcases Denmark’s tradition of public-private partnerships. It involves diverse groups working together to benefit society and tackle complex issues. Collaborating across sectors is crucial for addressing chronic diseases, which are influenced by genetics, social factors, and access to innovative treatments. We applaud Nova Scotia for taking the lead in this initiative and look forward to the project’s success as we enhance our bilateral co-operation.”
— Hanne Fugl Eskjær, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark

Quick Facts:

– the Province and Novo Nordisk Canada have each contributed $1.5 million toward the project
– about 68 per cent of Nova Scotians over 12 years of age have been diagnosed with a chronic condition

– about 37 per cent of children and youth in Nova Scotia are overweight or obese


More Funding for Community Mental Health Services, Supports
Nova Scotians will now have better access to mental health, wellness and addictions support in their communities.

The government is providing one-time funding of $1 million to the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia’s Community Grant Program, which funds projects by charities, community groups and organizations.

“Community-based organizations play such an important role in delivering mental health services and supports right across Nova Scotia,” said Brian Comer, Minister of Addictions and Mental Health. “This additional funding will help connect more Nova Scotians of all ages to care and support of all kinds – close to home, from people they trust.”

The foundation’s Community Grant Program awards up to $25,000 each to projects focused on mental health services and supports. The program supports a range of services for youth, families, newcomers and underrepresented groups.

Budget 2024-25 includes $6.7 million for a new community wellness framework that supports community-based organizations that provide mental health, addictions and wellness services. Like clinical care, counselling services, peer support and more, these services are available to all Nova Scotians as part of the government’s commitment to universal mental health and addictions care.

“The need for this funding has never been greater. By increasing the number of community grants we fund, we are empowering organizations across the province to help Nova Scotians living with mental illness and addiction thrive in our communities. We are grateful for this support from the Office of Addictions and Mental Health. It will not only positively change lives – it will save them.”
— Starr Cunningham, President and CEO, Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia

Quick Facts:
over the past year, 75 mental health and addictions projects through 60 different organizations have been funded, with more being announced this month
– grant funding will be administered through an agreement between the Province and the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia
– the Province has invested $7 million in the Community Grant Program since 2021

Additional Resources:
More information on the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia Community Grant Program, including how to apply:

Projects funded in 2023-24:

Mental health crisis line: 1-888-429-8167 (toll-free); it operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week for anyone experiencing a mental health crisis or people concerned about someone else

For non-crisis support, people needing treatment and care for mental health and addictions can contact the mental health and addictions intake service at 1-855-922-1122 to be matched with appropriate services

Programs and supports for mental health, wellness and addictions:

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