Special weather statement is in effect

Traffic & Weather

**** Info via Environment Canada

Special weather statement is in effect

Mild and wet conditions turn into freezing rain, ice pellets, and snow.

Locations: Nova Scotia.

Total rainfall amounts: 25 to 50 mm, highest amounts over the South Shore.

Total freezing rain amounts: 10 to 30 mm, highest amounts over northern and eastern regions.

Total snowfall and ice pellet accumulations: up 20 cm over northern regions.

Maximum wind gusts: Moderate to strong northeasterly.

Time span: Thursday and Friday.

Similar storms in the past have caused:
– hazardous driving conditions,
– traffic delays,
– scattered utility outages.

Remarks: Precipitation will begin as rain Thursday and then change to freezing rain and ice pellets Thursday night and continue Friday. Precipitation amounts could exceed the values mentioned above, but the main concern remains the possibility of a prolonged period of freezing precipitation over eastern regions.

Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to NSstorm@ec.gc.ca or tweet reports using #NSStorm.



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