**** Info via Environmental Canada
Rainfall warning in effect
Rain, at times heavy, is expected.
Locations: Halifax to Guysborough County and most of Cape Breton
Total rainfall: 50 to 60 mm
Time span: tonight and Thursday.
Similar storms in the past have caused:
– hazardous driving conditions from water pooling on roadways
– localized flooding, especially in poor drainage areas
– elevated water levels in creeks and streams
Remarks: Rainfall rates of 10 to 15 mm per hour may occur over some locations.
Conditions may change rapidly with locally intense downpours.
If visibility is reduced while driving, slow down, watch for tail lights ahead and be prepared to stop.
Rainfall warnings are issued when significant rainfall is expected.
Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to NSstorm@ec.gc.ca or tweet reports using #NSStorm.