**** NS SPCA
Weekly highlight- Pete
These pictures do not do this cat justice! Check out Pete! At 9 years old he was found wandering the streets in Yarmouth. Despite this difficult start in life Pete has shown us nothing but love and sweetness. His teeth were in poor condition, but thanks to some much needed dental work he now has a million dollar “smile”! He loves nothing more than lounging around in the sunshine.
Pete is looking for a home with no other cats, this is due to him having FIV. Feline immunodeficiency virus is contagious to other cats and can limit their immune systems ability to fend off secondary infections. This is for his health and safety as well as other cats. This poor boy also has a condition called Horner’s which has his third eye lid showing more often than usually seen in cats.

Pete is hoping a forever family is out there just for him and has no problem soaking up the love from staff and volunteers at the Dartmouth SPCA in the meantime.
Interested in adopting Pete? Please visit novascotiaspcans.ca/adoptionprocess on how to more forward!