We went out with Clarence from the Nova Scotia Turtle Patrol to check on some local snapping turtle nests

In The Spotlight

We went out with Clarence from the Nova Scotia Turtle Patrol to check on some local snapping turtle nests today

In our travels, we did discover an exit hole at a known nest and one pokey little fella slowly following his instincts to make it to the water.

Many turtle species nest in the spring or early summer, hatching in the fall, , and many return to the same nesting grounds.

Turtles in Nova Scotia face challenges with destroyed nesting grounds (pollution and construction causing much of the problem) then face a low survival rate from predators or environmental issues.


Repost – The Turtle Patrol’s goal is to help our native turtles survive in the wild, to share turtle news and talk turtles with like minded individuals. If you see a turtle in the wild we want to hear about it

** Release


Repost – With Countless Turtle Nests Starting To Hatch, You May Find A Turtle Or Two Lost Or In Distress

** Release







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