RCMP Southwest Traffic Services has charged two motorcyclists with stunting on Hwy. 101

Traffic & Weather

**** RCMP Media Release

RCMP Southwest Traffic Services charge two motorcyclists with stunting

RCMP Southwest Traffic Services has charged two motorcyclists with stunting on Hwy. 101 near Lequille.

On August 3, 2022, at approximately 10:30 a.m., a member of the RCMP Southwest Traffic Services was on patrol on Hwy. 101 near Lequille when they noted two motorcycles approaching them from behind. The motorcyclists closed on the police car quickly and then passed the police car at a high rate of speed. The speed of the motorcycles was captured on radar at 173km/hr.

A traffic stop was conducted and the two motorcycle drivers, a man and a woman from Quebec, were each charged with Stunting which carries a fine of $2,422.40.

RCMP Southwest Traffic Services is committed to reducing serious injury and fatal collisions by addressing aggressive driving, impaired driving, distracted driving and lack of seatbelt use.

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