Brian Merrill Levy of Wolfville has been charged with breach of a December 2021 court order under the Animal Protection Act of Nova Scotia. Levy is scheduled to appear in court on June 28 in Kentville on breaching a court order under section 42(1).
On December 2, 2021, Levy was convicted of failing to provide an animal with adequate medical attention when an animal is wounded or ill, contrary to Section 22 (3) of the Animal Protection Act of Nova Scotia, and contrary to Section 21 (2), permitting an animal to be in distress. He was prohibited from owning animals for breeding purposes but permitted custody of up to two spayed/neutered dogs for companionship provided he abided by the court’s conditions. Inspectors with the Nova Scotia SPCA found after both compliance checks and confidential tips, that Levy had breached the court’s conditions, and that there were five dogs under his care. On May 19, 2022, the SPCA seized three dogs from the residence because of a breach of a court order.
The Nova Scotia SPCA has a zero-tolerance policy for animal cruelty and neglect. You can report acts of animal cruelty by calling the SPCA toll-free at 1-888-703-7722, e-mailing [email protected], or filling out the online form at All concerns and complaints are kept confidential. |