A blue-green algae mat is being reported in a stream between Shubenacadie-Grand Lake and Fish Lake today, May 28

Health And Wellness

**** Environment Media Release

Blue-green Algae Reported in Stream
A blue-green algae mat is being reported in a stream between Shubenacadie-Grand Lake and Fish Lake today, May 28.

The rain and wind this weekend may transport the mat to shorelines where people and pets may easily come into contact with it.

The Department launched a public education campaign this month to help Nova Scotians be more aware of blue-green algae and the steps they should take to be safe where it may be present. A new updated website includes photos and descriptions of what to look for, an educational video and a fact sheet: https://novascotia.ca/blue-green-algae/

Reports of blue-green algae will be posted on this website and the Department’s Twitter account. Nova Scotians are urged to monitor this website for information and updates.

Blue-green algae tends to develop when a period of hot, dry weather is followed by a heavy rainfall. It’s becoming more common because of warmer temperatures and more intense storms caused by climate change.

Blue-green algae sightings should be reported to a local Environment and Climate Change office by calling 1-877-936-8476.

Additional Resources:
Blue-green algae public education website: https://novascotia.ca/blue-green-algae/

Public education video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWNUkbfOH2Q

Public education fact sheet: https://novascotia.ca/blue-green-algae/documents/blue-green-algae-factsheet.pdf

List of accredited labs where homeowners can have their water tested: https://novascotia.ca/nse/water/waterlabs.asp

Informatjon on wells: https://novascotia.ca/nse/water/privatewells.asp and https://novascotia.ca/nse/water/wellcontractors.asp

Environment and Climate Change on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ns_environment

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